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Say a prayer for Gaza, Yemen, Congo and Sudan, please.


My head rested on Tayyib's shoulder as we drove to the resort. We left Mexico last night, landed in Kenya, then took another plane and landed on the local airstrip, and are now on a 30-minute drive to the lodge. We'd be here for five more days before returning to Nigeria, as the kids resumed school in the coming week.

"I'm exhausted," I groan.

"I told you to sleep on the plane," Tayyib replies, and I huff.

"I'm seeing my girls for the first time in a week. I was too excited," I respond.

He sighs. "Your cross to carry," he says, and I pout.

"Such a big meanie," I remarked.

I close my eyes and hope to catch some zee's before we arrive, but the moment I do, I feel the car park. Tayyib tapped me, confirming that we had arrived. I groan and reluctantly hop out of the car.

We're greeted by some staff members at the main entrance before heading into the reception, where Tayyib checks us in. We're then led to our suite, and I jump onto the bed and shut my eyes.

"Prayers," Tayyib says, grabbing me by the ankles and pulling me to the edge of the bed. "Get up. You can sleep afterwards," he adds.

I force myself up, open my bag, pull out my toilet bag and head into the bathroom. I take a quick shower, do my skincare and perform wudhu. After moisturising and dressing, I pulled out the prayer mat and my hijab from my box.

I offer my prayers, then head straight for bed. "If you see anyone, tell them I'll see them in the morning," I tell Tayyib.

"Alright," he replies. He comes over and kisses my forehead as I drift away.

Once morning came, I was jolted awake by loud shrieks. "Wake up, loser," a voice says, followed by a sharp smack to my back.

"What the hell?" I yell, opening my eyes to identify the assailant. Amna and Laila smile down at me, and I flash them my middle finger.

"Up you go," Laila says, dragging me off the bed. "Everyone is having breakfast already. Get ready quickly."

I shake my head and grab a fistful of my hair. "I think I'm going to skip breakfast," I reply, falling back onto the bed.

They sigh and grab me again. "No! We only have a week. We have to make the best of it," Amna says.

"But I'm tired," I whine.

"It'll wear off," Laila replies.

Reluctantly, I stomp to the bathroom and slam the door. I hear them giggle before turning on the faucet. I shower and dress in a white shirt and black jeans before offering my morning prayer.

I put on my sneakers and head out to find the others. I wander into the reception, and a staff member notices me. "Your family is right this way," she says with a smile.

"Thank you," I reply, smiling back at her. I follow her into a private dining room filled with familiar faces.

"Aunty Naddy!" Aliyah yells, rushing over to me.

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