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I let out a hiss and turned unto my side. The sun had seeped through the curtains, ruining my sleep. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping to fall back asleep. I remained still and counted sheep for minutes before giving up. I groaned and sat upright. Blinking rapidly, I tried adjusting to the brightness of the unfamiliar room. I looked around, panicking for a minute before realising where I was.

Tayyib's room encapsulated his character perfectly. The dark wooden floors and navy walls matched the dark furnishings and grey drapes. He had a large black oak desk in a corner with a large bookshelf. In the middle was an L-shaped couch with an oval coffee table that held heaps of documents.

I was drowsy when we reached Tayyib's house last night, so I wasted no time accepting a shirt and getting into bed. Jumping out of bed, I noticed my bag and a pink duffel on the ottoman with a note on top.

Good morning, Nadira. I informed your parents of your whereabouts and had my driver pick up your bag and some essentials. Your mom says there are two outfits, sleepwear and toiletries, in case you'd like to stay another night. I've left for a meeting but asked Amna to text you. Respond to her when you're awake. I'll be back in time for lunch.

I folded the note and shoved it into my bag after reading it. I couldn't believe my mother was urging me to stay another night, and my father hadn't called or texted. I searched around and found my phone under the duvet, gasping as I read the time. I usually slept past noon, but it was almost two o'clock.

Just as he said, there was a message from Amna. I responded, informing her that I was awake and about to get ready for the day.

I unzipped the duffel and pulled out a hijab. I rushed to the bathroom and performed my wudhu before offering my prayers. I grabbed my toilet bag and towel before hurrying to the bathroom again. After showering and performing my skincare routine, I moisturised and looked through the clothes.

I settled on a pink maxi dress, white Oran sandals and a white veil. I glossed my lips and applied kohl before folding my clothes and arranging them into the duffel. I plugged in my phone to charge as I made the bed and tidied up my mess.

I texted Amna to let her know I was done, and she replied that she'd be here soon. As I waited, I snooped through his walk-in closet. His clothes were neatly arranged and sorted by colour and function. Kaftans to one side, suits to another and casual clothing to another. He had rows of shiny polished dress shoes, Chelsea boots, sneakers and sandals. And a glass display filled with watches and rings.

All his clothes were black, grey, navy or ash, except for a few white button-downs. His shoes and ties followed the same colour scheme. Even the towels in his bathroom were black. Not to mention the toilet itself.

My phone buzzing startled me as I was gaping at his shoe collection. Amna had informed me that she was waiting outside the door, so I exited the bathroom and headed for the door. As expected, Amna was standing in the hall with a bright smile.

"Hi!" She chirped.

"Hey," I replied with a smile.

"Ya Tayyib entrusted you to me today, so I've planned fun things for us to do. Including a tour of the entire house," she says, leading the way to the elevator.

"The house is quite large. Will you be fine doing that?" I asked as we entered the lift.

She laughs and nods. "I'll be fine as long as Sa'ad doesn't find out. He says I'm exhausting myself and should be in bed all day. What a load of nonsense. I'm the one carrying the baby, not him. I'm pretty sure I can handle walking," she rambled.

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