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As the girls dragged me through Winter Wonderland, my heeled boots eating away at my feet, I winced and groaned, "Guys! Can we rest for a while?"

"You shouldn't have worn that outfit," Maryam says, brushing me off as we arrive at the next ride. We get into the fast-track line, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Though standing still hurt, it was way better than walking.

"It's cute!" I defend the white mid-thigh flowy dress under my coat, paired with black tights tucked into heeled boots.

Muhibba scoffs as we're let unto the ride. "It's cute but not for this occasion," she says, strapping herself in. I make a face as I tuck my bag into my side to avoid it falling off the seat. We all get situated, the rider operator performs all the safety checks, and soon the ride begins.

By the time we got off, my insides were churning, and my voice was nearly gone. As much as I enjoyed the thrill, I also feared falling off.

"Why do we do this each year?" Saliha asks, placing her hand on her heaving chest. Muhibba crouched over with her hands on her knees and groaned while Maryam laughed up a storm -adrenaline clearly coursing through her veins. We go on a few more rides and explore the Christmas market, where I find cute charms and trinkets. They would have been perfect for the auction, but it was already over.

On my last phone call with Mama, she reminisced about how well the event worked and how the diamond pendant I had donated was sold for thirteen thousand dollars. Amna also spammed me with pictures and videos of the event. The kids wore the happiest smiles, and I teared up at their thank-you speech.

Afterwards, we rush to Hakkasan to make our reservation, then walk down Oxford Street admiring the lights and shop displays.

"Let's go to Harrods, please. The sales have started," Sally says.

"Yes!" I squeal, excited at the mention of shopping.

"We should go to flannels then. Their sales are better," Maryam adds.

"We'll go everywhere," I beam, walking faster, ignoring the ache.

We end up going to multiple shops and department stores. Once again, we end up with too many bags and are forced to hail a black cab. I make it home at past nine and quickly hop into the shower, and perform my nighttime routine before getting into bed.

I snuggle into the duvet and prop my Mac on my covered lap. Opening the YouTube tab, I searched through my recommended videos before clicking on an episode of hot ones. As I watched Micheal Cera struggle, I instantly craved hot wings, so I picked up my phone from the bedside and opened the Deliveroo app.

I drooled as I ordered atomic and lemon pepper wings. I even did a celebratory dance as they confirmed my order. I was on cloud nine. A burst of adrenaline launched me off the bed and unto my feet. Suddenly, I was energised and opted to clean my room while waiting for the food.

My phone rang before I could get the cleaning supplies from the pantry downstairs. I smiled at the screen and accepted the call.

T: Nadira.

Me: Hi, Tayyib.

T: How are you?

Me: I'm doing well. You?

T: I'm good as well.

Me: You sound beat. Is everything okay?

T: Yes. I'm just tired from work. I'm on my way home from the O2.

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