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I've never been subjected to such brutal reality checks. I've been so distracted with leaving home that I hadn't considered facing Tayyib. When we pulled up to the house, my brain started working overtime just thinking about him.

I couldn't focus on his aunts' backhanded compliments and subtle jabs, only picking up on a few sentences. Once it was over, Kausar escorted me up to see Mama. She was in an unfamiliar room in a hidden part of the penthouse. This was the first time I had noticed the shallow passageway and the door at the end.

Kausar knocks, "Mama, I've brought Nadira." She pushes the door open and gestures for me to go in.

I walk in slowly. My eyes dilate at the size of the bedroom, and I do my best to keep my expression stale. The room looked like the early late 90s had barfed in it, from the sizeable chunky box TV to the brown leather chairs that took up too much space and mosaic tiles.

Mama ushers me towards her. "Come and sit here, Nadira." She pats the spot next to her, and I slowly walk towards the settee.

"Mama, Ina wuni?" I say.

"Lafiya, Alhamdulillah," she replies, smiling. "I hope you don't have a headache from all the crying?"

I cast my head down, embarrassed, and she laughs.

"Don't feel embarrassed. We all did it," she reassures me, patting my hand softly. "I want you to teach Tayyib how to loosen up. You have a bubbly personality that could rub off well on him. But most importantly, I want you to love him if you can."

"No pressure," she jokes when I don't respond. "I want him to open up to you and let you in so you can see the real him. The Tayyib that deserves the world."

I raise my head and nod, "In shaa Allah, I will do my best."

"You're a great girl, Nadira. I have faith in you, and I have faith in my son. He will treat you well, no doubt. He will give you all that you desire. But please, do not give up when the road gets bumpy. Do not be put off by his nonchalant and aloof behaviour. He cares. He just finds it difficult to express." She says, still patting my hand.

"Allah is always around to listen to your woes. Turn to him when things get tough. There are also people around who will listen wholeheartedly. Do not be shy. Be patient with each other, and be kind to one another. You're the most important person to him now and vice versa. May Allah bless your union," she adds.

"Amin. I will remember your words, Mama," I respond.

She mutters a few more prayers before sending me off, but not before reassuring me that she had also given Tayyib this speech. Kausar leads me back to my aunts, who prepare to escort me to my house.

As I waited for them in the living room, Aliya appeared, Nabil and Amir trailing behind her. She sits beside me, Nabil on the other side, and Amir stands by his sister. "Kaka says you're going to live here now. Is that true?" Amir asks. 

"Yes, I will," I respond with a smile. 

"Why? Did something happen to your house?" Nabil asks, and I giggle. 

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