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"yang fucking jungwon!" the mentioned shot up in panic after hearing his name.

"what are you even?" jake, looking in the direction jungwon was lost in, spotted their infamous jay.

jay, park jongseong, member of SNU's football team and liberal arts member. he's also best friends with the captain himself and jake's academic rival.

speaking of the devil...

"yo sim!"

"oh god" jake physically shook at the mere thought of having another conversation with the jock.

"gawking at my buddy? hm?" heeseung pulled a chair from another table and sat down.

"i wasn't-"

"hmm i wonder" heeseung cut them off, sweeping his hair back to impress a few girls that pass by "are you gay?"

"very funny, lee" jake responded in the most unamused tone.

the jock put his finger to his chin pretending to think "it makes sense if you put thought to it"

"shut up" jake blood started boiling.

"those tight shorts you often wear really makes your ass pop" heeseung snickered at his own remark.

jake's grip on his pencil tightened as heeseung continued.

"i mean look at yourself, sim, you were practically born a twink-ahh"

heeseung's insults were stopped when he felt a harsh tug on his ear before it was twisted.

"ow-fuck-who- oh sunoo..." heeseung didn't say anything after that. the sight was pretty funny, especially to jake.

"what? the big bad wolf lost his cool?" jake mocked followed by him and his friends laughing.

"your social status may be high, lee, but your  ego doesn't need to be" sunoo added, taking a seat near his friends and taking out his textbooks.

before, the now heated captain, said another word, sunghoon approached them.

"i'll take him off your hands, apologies for wasting your time" sunghoon bowed in respect and dragged heeseung off the chair but before he left he locked eyes with jake.

"thank you" jake smiled sweetly. sunghoon returned the gesture.

"it's no worries at all"

heeseung scoffed one last time to jake who ignored him and continued studying.

"he likes you" jungwon, who was focussed on his writing, broke jake's fantasy.

"well jay likes you" jake spurted out. it was true anyone and their grandma could see that jay likes jungwon.

"jocks aren't my thing" he responded while finishing a report for class.

"so what am i?" niki joined them as they all prepared for finals.

"riki you're a child" sunoo dismissed the boy who does everything except study.



jeez, jungwon startled him "no, maybe, a little"

jungwon patted his friend's shoulder "you'll score 1st place as usual"

"i hope so" jake shut his eyes and crossed his fingers.

they stood amongst other students at the uni's scoreboard. all just hoping to pass this semester.


"uh jakey, i gotta use the restroom" jungwon excused himself running from jay's sight.

"aw where'd he go?" jay sulked as the trio stood behind jake.

"scared i'd beat you?"

ugh lee heeseung again. jake doesn't need his pestering now.

"i'll always be on top" jake responded. his palms rubbing against his jeans to stop the sweat of nervousness.

the uni's head came and placed a huge paper on the board. as she left everyone swarmed the area, pushing and shoving, cheers and cries echoed in the auditorium

jake pushed his way to the front, looking at the top of the paper expecting his name to be printed there.

1. lee heeseung
2. sim jaeyun
3. choi beomgyu
4. yang jungwon
5. boo seungkwan

what? jake felt his world crumble, he wasn't first place anymore.

instead lee heeseung managed to actually score the top spot this year.

"ahah see that sim, i'm unbeatable" the captain smirked, relishing in his victory.

"congratulations" jake turned to him muttering the celebratory word and walked off leaving heeseung dumbfounded.

heeseung doesn't know what possessed him but he found himself following the short blonde haired male.

he expected some snarky remark or accusation of cheating but no he congratulated him? odd.

heeseung turned many corners and walked through halls trying his best to be discreet.

eventually he ended up losing sight of the latter.

"ahh heeseung, are you that desperate?" he swept his hair back disappointed in himself for even thinking about following the boy.

his mini meltdown was interrupted by whispers from the male restroom.

reluctantly heeseung walked into the bathroom, noticing one of the stalls locked and talking coming from it.

caught you, jaeyun-ah.

"mom! i'm sorry" jake's words were broken into small cries. heeseung leaned closer to the stall.

"i know i'll do better next time-"

"please i'm sorry!"

"but- okay see you soon"

heeseung stood there dumbfounded. jake was obviously having problems at home but he shouldn't care right.

the lock on the door echoed in the restroom, heeseung ran out faster than anyone can blink.

"ow man watch it"

"shit- uh sorry sunoo"

a/n: first chapter! :D

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