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"eomma" little heeseung tugged at his mother's dress.

"hee, mummy's making pancakes! wanna help~" she picked him up and placed him on the kitchen counter.

"take this" she took an egg from the crate, knocking it on the edge of the bowl then emptying the yolk inside, "and do that" she smiled, giving heeseung an egg.

the 6-year-old chewed on his finger, holding the egg in confusion. his mother laughed about to show him again when heeseung threw the egg at his mother, ruining her apron and dress she wore.

"now now, hee that wasn't very nice" she pointed a finger at him, "what do you say when you don't do nice things to people?"

"sorry eomma" heeseung still chewed on his index finger, fearing his mother would punish him.

"good boy" she ruffled his hair, "now go to your room and play. i'll call you when breakfast is ready"

heeseung got off the counter with his mother's help, running upstairs to his room. he opened his toy box taking out a toy basketball.

he threw it out his window, not expecting it to be opened. hearing someone wince in pain, heeseung walked over to his window, looking for his ball when he spotted his neighbour holding it, rubbing his head.

"sorry" heeseung apologized, remembering he must always apologize when he does anything bad.

"you wanna play with me?" the boy outside, held out the ball, eyes sparkling with hope. heeseung without a doubt agreed, running downstairs and outside into the back garden.

"um you're stuck" heeseung looked over the wired fence then to the boy who had the same thought until he saw an opening.

"look at me!" he told heeseung, running over to the hole that was missing wiring, ducking his head and slipping through with ease, taking the ball with him.

"you play ball?" his newly found friend asked, throwing the ball to heeseung who caught it with ease.

"you kidding? this is my favourite ball!" heeseung bounced it up and down in his hands leaving the other impressed, mouth hung open.

"woahh that's super cool! can i try?" holding his hands out for the ball but heeseung's face turned bitter, hugging the ball closer to his chest.

"i don't like sharing my ball" heeseung said, protecting his toy.

"that's okay!" the other smiled at him, heeseung was a little confused. his mom always scolded him for not sharing at school.

"my name is jaeyun! and yours?" jaeyun held his hands together behind his back, jumping up and down in excitement.

"my name is ethan"

"oh i have an english name too! it's jake!" jaeyun jumped up, snatching the ball away from heeseung, playing with it like heeseung did.

he stopped when heeseung sat on the ground, crying loudly, his mother came running to him. jake watches her pet him, asking what's wrong.

"he stole my ball!" heeseung cried out, his mother looking at jake, growing scared from her look.

"you're jake, the neighbour's kid, right?" she approached him, stooping down to meet his eye.

jaeyun nodded, biting his lip and giving the ball to her afraid of getting scolded but heeseung's mother patted his head and said, "heeseung doesn't like to share, jake but i'll get you another ball okay?"

she took the ball and gave it to heeseung who stopped crying, "where's your mom, jake?"

jake pointed to his home over the fence, "i'm sure she won't mind you having some breakfast. you like pancakes, jake?"

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