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tw: self arm, violence, character death and angst.

"ethan!" jake ran towards the older, arms opening to hug his friend. it's been a week since they started playing together.

"jakey" heeseung ruffled his hair, "let's continue what we played yesterday"

jake clapped happily, running into the garden saying 'good morning' to mrs. lee on the way there.

"wait, ethan!" jake stopped when they entered the garden. "we don't have a princess yet" jake bit his finger, worried.

heeseung put his finger to his chin, thinking. "you can be the princess!" heeseung smiled.

"i'm not a girl" jake retorted.

"well then you'll be a prince! and i'll save you from the evil dragon. rawr!" heeseung roared, chasing after jake screaming loudly and laughing.

"ah! ethan!" jake stood on the trampoline, crying "dragon!" heeseung looked over to where jake pointed, seeing a lizard passing by.

"don't worry. ethan will save you!" heeseung put his sword to his chest, marching forward, the lizard crawling away.

"and that's how it's done" heeseung proudly said. jake clapped for him.

heeseung walked over to the trampoline, getting on one knee, holding out his hand, "your majesty"

jake giggled, taking heeseung's hand, getting off the trampoline, "now this is the part where the prince kisses the knight and they live happily ever after!"

heeseung was cunning, jake realised this. agreeing to his silly idea jake reached forward and pecked him on his cheek.

heeseung's face burned in crimson red, jake couldn't stop smiling. he took heeseung's sword and started chasing heeseung around.

"i'm not tolerating this anymore!" jake's mother was talking with mrs. lee after finding out jake ran out the front gate to see heeseung.

"they're just kids" mrs. lee simply said.

"my son is very smart and i try my hardest to avoid him from getting into any distractions so please don't ever open your home to him again" mrs. sim scoffed, walking out the back door.

jake and heeseung stopped in their tracks, both looking at mrs. sim, heeseung's mother followed behind looking at them with a sad look.

"jake, let's go" she called him over but jake didn't want to go. he wanted to play with heeseung longer.

"but we're playing. mommy?" heeseung looked over to his mother who sadly smiled at him.

"i'm sorry. jake is busy with school so he won't be coming over anymore" mrs. lee fought back the tears that stung her eyes.

heeseung looked at jake, who was getting dragged by his mother, "ethan" he cried out as mrs.sim walked into the back door then out the front.

heeseung ran out to the front until he couldn't see jake again, waving goodbye to him.

"it's okay, hee. you'll make new friends" his mother patted his back, comforting him.

later that evening, heeseung woke up to hear shouting from downstairs. he was used to his father quarrelling with his mother.

everytime he would always press his ear against his door and listen to them, wishing he could go and protect his mother whenever his father slapped her.

"you're fucking useless!" mr. lee shouted, hands balled up to fistss, a helpless mrs. lee sitting on the floor with reddened cheeks.

"please, they were only playing!" she begged.

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