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jake hated any sort of field event. he despised getting all sweaty and sticky in front of a bunch of people he barely knew- but today was that day for him.

"how do i look?" gen asked jake, flexing her barely visible muscles, "i bet these guns would knock the coach straight into the basket"

jake let out a chuckle at his friend's joke. she was in a pair of baggy shorts and jersey not forgetting her signature cap she wore to any sporting competition.

the coach blew the whistle to start tryouts.

"wish me lucky, yunnie!" she took her cap off and put it in jake then sprinted off to the field.

jake sat on the bench contemplating life. his shirt was drenched in sweat though he didn't move a finger. all he wanted right now was cold shower.

he looked to the field, seeing gen anxiously tap her foot as the coach spoke.

jake has seen her play many sports before, that includes basketball, and dang she was good at everything.

jake then saw the high and almighty lee heeseung walking towards the trainees. some boys whispered and most of the girls screamed their lungs out.

he rolled his eyes. jake knew half of them couldn't lift a finger and was just there to see heeseung.

a couple minutes into one on one's with the captain did jake feel someone sit next to him.

"oh hello sunghoon-ssi" jake greeted with a smile.

"you enjoying the game, jaeyun-ssi?"

"i'm here to support a friend" jake corrected the younger male.

"gen right?" jake nodded, eyes focused on the field "and here i thought you came to stalk our captain" sunghoon joked.

"pfft! you're a real jokestar" jake laughed loudly.

"i mean he did brag to everyone that you were" sunghoon accidentally slipped out. that made jake stand up in shock.

"that- ugh such he's an asshole!" jake shouted. everyone turned in his direction, even heeseung who just finished another one on one and was wiping the sweat off his face.

jake locked eyes with him, the amused look heeseung portrayed annoyed jake, "i'll knock that stupid smirk off his-"

"yo! calm down" sunghoon took his arm, prompting him to relax, the attention from everyone made him uncomfortable.

"how can you stand him!!?" jake threw a fit "stupid captain, stupid top scorer, stupid face, stupid smirk!"

sunghoon sat there, one hand on jake's arm listening to his rant.

"did you know he's also homophobic??" jake turned to face sunghoon "THE lee heeseung is a homophobic prick, just like my mom"

"jaeyun-ssi it's ok-"

jake took a deep breath, closing his eyes then opening them again "i'm sorry" jake felt like a fool. he got all riled up about heeseung, he didn't notice he was talking to was of his best friends.

"don't apologize" sunghoon gave him a warm smile and jake swooned "hee hyung can be a complete asshole sometimes"

jake snickered a little feeling his nerves relax when sunghoon spoke "you just dissed your friend?"

"me?" sunghoon pointed at himself "don't know what you are talking about" he smiled and shrugged making jake laugh.

"park!!" heeseung shouted walking towards them, "coach is calling you!" heeseung looked over to jake breathless "why are you talking to this fag?"

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