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this is man is unbelievably gorgeous😮‍💨

this is man is unbelievably gorgeous😮‍💨

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@/minjun.lee damn right.🫢🤭

@/genkim amazing as always @jaeyun

@wonbun hope you're doing well @jaeyun

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"guys! guess what!" sunoo approached their table squealing.

jungwon clicked sent on his comment, refocusing his attention on sunoo.

"did heeseung say he'll try your weird mint choco snacks again?" gen asked a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"no. i'm going to a wedding!" gen and jungwon looked at each other then back at sunoo.

"you mean heeseung's father wedding? didn't you go to the engagement with him!"

"i know gen! but his soon to be stepmom invited me"

gen sighed she knew sunoo loved big social events and this wasn't just about heeseung but she also knew that sunoo would go with heeseung and that's not what heeseung planned a couple months ago.

"she invited you to the same wedding that heeseung was supposed to take jake too?

sunoo went quiet after that. yes heeseung planned on taking jake and maybe sunoo feels a tad bit guilty about going with heeseung but jake's not here and heeseung needs someone to go.

sitting down sunoo didn't say anything afterward.

a couple minutes passed and niki slouched down next to sunoo.

"you free in a month babe"

sunoo shoved niki's sweaty body away from him "if i was i'd still say no"

"oh haha" niki laughed it off turning over to jungwon and gen who already had their eyes on him.

"um we all got invited yo heeseung dad's wedding" he said, showing them five invitation cards.

sunoo already had his.

"no way! a wedding? what am i going to wear?" gen shrieked.

"i'm not going" jungwon added, writing into the notepad he had.

gen looked over to him for a split second," oh ah yeah sit i can't go too." her face was a little said and niki and sunoo both knew why.

"jake's not coming back to korea, why are you guys preserving so much for him?" sunoo was a little pissed. they were protective of heeseung moving on and now refuse to go to a wedding just for the sake of jake. it was ridiculous.

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