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fun was something jake didn't have much in his life and these past couple weeks jake haven't felt happier.

maybe it's the fact that he has a hot ass jock boyfriend who is actually a softball and jake loved it or it's when jake got to see someone he thought he lost forever, playing something he loved and being so good at it.

the last couple weeks, heeseung swept up all the games they played, winning one after another.

the coach got tired of treating them, his wallet crying at this point. semifinals finished today and SNU won as if it wasn't already predicted.

now it was onto the finals, they were up against the first team they won against this season, the private all boys' college.

walking out of campus, heeseung all sweaty and gross, jake tried to keep his distance until heeseung took a shower but the older only chased jake engulfing him in a tight hug.

"ew ew heeseung put me down" jake cried out, the stickiness of heeseng's skin making jake all dirty.

"nah, if i put you down, the ground is going to swallow my baby" he pressed a hard kiss on jake's neck.

jake gave up, letting heeseung lift him up, hands under his thighs, jake wrapping his legs around heeseung.

"you smell gross" jake covered his nose, hanging his head over heeseung's shoulder. heeseung laughed, throwing his towel over jake's face.

"ethan!" jake slapped his back throwing the towel of heeseung's head, "you're a sweaty monkey"

"do monkey's have dicks?" jake couldn't believe the randomness of his boyfriend.

"you called me a monkey but your hanging over my shoulder like a puppy who just wants attention"

jake ignored heeseung, letting out a strained sound, circling his arms around heeseung's neck.

"cute" heeseung pinched jake's thigh, over the material of his jeans. getting tired heeseung panted, setting jake down on the university's popular hangout spot.

"could've just said i was fat" jake pouted and heeseung tackled him, sending both of them falling onto the wet grass.

heeseung wasted no time tickling jake's sides, kissing his face repeatedly. jake couldn't speak trying to push heeseung away but heeseung was so much bigger than him all jake could do was beg.

"p-please hyung, stop" jake couldn't hold in his laughter but heeseung didn't stop, he lifted up jake's shirt, blowing into his tummy and kissing it.

"heeseung" jake prayed no one would walk by because his laugh was so embarrassing right now.

"i'll stop if you promise never to say that again"

"say what?" at that, heeseung started tickling his boyfriend again, "okay okay i'm not fat. i'm sorry" jake and literal tears streaming down his face right now.

thankfully, heeseung did stop his evil ministrations, moving up to meet jake's eyes. "have i ever told you how pretty you are?"

jake blushed, it was so evident under the bright lights, "no" jake answered, "actually can't remember if you even told me–" jake's words were cut off by heeseung's lips on his.

"well you're fucking gorgeous, jaeyun" heeseung pulled away, planting a kiss on jake's forehead "and i'm over the moon to have you in my arms right now"

heeseung nuzzled his face into jake's neck wrapping his arms around jake's torso, "hyung, get up it's late and the grass is wet"

"i'm sleepy" heeseung yawned, jake truly thought heeseung was crazy now. they were outside in the late night, lying on their campus grounds cuddling.

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