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"is jakey okay?"

sunoo leaned over to niki, shaking his head to the most ridiculous sounds sunoo's ever heard.

"riki!" sunoo whispered hitting the boy on the shoulder.


"jakey" sunoo pointed over to the boy.

it was lunch and everyone (mostly gen) chose to eat on the bleachers. something about fresh air and vitamin d.

jake, however sprawled himself across the bench, a book laying flat on his face to cover the sun.

"he's fine...i think" gen said confident at first but trailed off remembering yesterday.

jake disappeared into the restroom for 15 minutes. gen was left with his mom talking about how great her family is and how ladylike they all are.

when he came back he look disoriented and out of it but gen didn't asked since the rest of the day she spent with his mom.

niki stood up, putting his headphones and notebook aside, walking to jake.

he waved his hand ocer him but got no reaction, his eyes fell back on the group asking for help but they just shrugged, then niki had an idea.

"heeseung hyung?!"

jake flew up, his book falling between the crack of the benches. his eyes searched for the blonde haired but only found a micheivous boy cackling.

"niki!" sunoo shouted sternly. gen and jungwon laughed along with the younger boy.

"no way you're acctually scared of heeseung?" gen said in shock, mumnching on a few biscuits.

"what the- am not!" jake protested. he's not scared of a basketball playing, top scorer, egostistical jock...no way.


oh sweet jesus. jake saw his soul left his body when someone whispered near his ear. the hot feeling sent him tumbling down the bleacher.


"i'm not falling for that again" jake held his head in pain, standing up.

"no actually-" niki was stopped from showing jake by gen who shushed him.

"falling for what? me, sim?" jake bit his lip hard, closing his eyes shut.


a couple seconds went by and jake didn't move.

if i close my eyes he'll go away.

without another thought jake found himself being spun around, a hand resting on his shoulder.

eyes still shut, jake responded "leave me alone, lee"

"aw" heeseung imitated a pouty face "i really thought a twink like you had actually fallen for me"

his last couple of words sent shivers running through jake's core. heeseung was enjoying this.

"you're the one who kiss-ow!" jake hissed when heeseung dug his nails into jake's shoulderblade.

jake's eyes opened in reflex revealing a sweaty heeseung in a sleeveless jersey marked with his name on it abd the number 15.

his hair damp, falling over his eyes which stared intensely at jake.

they stood there having ehat jake woukd assume a staring cintest but something was off every fee seconds heeseung's eyes would twitch a little or he'd travel them down to jake's lips for a very short second.

jake opened his mouth to snap back at the male when heeseung shoved a water bottle there shutting him up.

the taller leaned closer, whispering into jake's ear "we both know how much you love things in your mouth, jaeyun-ah so be a good boy and shut up" heeseung gritted hiz teeth in annoyance.

jake eyes grew wide at the words leaving his nemesis mouth it was more of a command than a question but who was jake to listen but boy did he want to just kick him in the balls to which he did.

heeseung fell back onto the bleachers, butt flat, groaning in pain. jay and sunghoon came running from the feild to help their friend but neither taunted jake nor said anything.

jake spat the bottle from his mouth, sitting next to his friends.

"jongsaeng~" jungwon called out to him before they left "tell your friend to keep his nose out of our business!" jungwon shouted. the older giving him a thumbs up.

sunghoon waved at sunoo, leaving the boy smiling and waving back.

"who are you blushing for?" niki pulled out an earpiece, looking at sunoo suspiciously.

"n-no one" sunoo put his hand down immediately, refocussing his attentuon on jake.


"yang jungwon talked to you??" sunghoon hyped up his best friend.

"even i couldn't believe it"

"faggots" heeseung rolled his eyes at them.



"sunoo stop that my ear drums are crying" jungwon held his ear, faking a pained expression.

"oopsies! so guys! guess what i just found out!"

"that you're finally getting plastic surgery" niki opened his locker, adding insult to sunoo.

"no!" sunoo glared at him "my face is 100% plastic free. now, what was i saying?"

"that you needed plasti-"

"ni-ki we love you but shush" gen smiled to the boy who listened "you were saying you found-"

"right!" sunoo clasped his hands "eric sohn got in an accident yesterday and he can't play in the upcoming league for our school so they just announced tryouts for the new member!"

"no way!" gen slammed her locker shut making jungwon yelp "it's finally my time to shine!"

"i think i'll tryout too!" niki announced.

"you're scrawny arms could never hold a basketball, nishimura" sunoo giggled in amusement.

"yeah? well your height could never" niki defended.

jake sighed at the two 'kids'. he had no interest in joining the team even if his mother begged him too.

one reason was that lee heeseung was there and two...well only one but still valid.

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