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heeseung's practice finished a couple hours later, the lights in the court got brighter in the night sky.

heeseung walked up to jake getting on one knee, the basketball in his hand, "let's play?"

"nah i suck at this" jake looked worried, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of heeseung especially after watching him defeat every one of his team member's in a one on one.

"i promise i'll go easy on you" heeseung smiled and jake knew what heeseung wanted to say "unless you want it rough, i can do both"

jake rolled his eyes, snatching the ball away from heeseung, going to the middle of the court, bouncing the ball in his hands.

surprisingly that part was pretty easy until heeseung came, tackling him.

"come on, shoot it in the basket" heeseung faked his attempts to get the ball from jake until he shot it into the basket, completely missing it.

"your aim is off" heeseung went over to pick up the ball throwing it back at jake "go again"


"again jake come on" heeseung's voice was loud and strict. jake pouted, feeling like another one of heeseung's teammates. he hated playing any form of sport even if heeseung begged him too jake wouldn't.

heeseung stood at defense, jake taking the offence position. squatting a little, ready to attack when jake started playing.

this time jake took it as a challenge, who knows maybe he'll beat this jock at sports too. the ball dropped to the floor, dribbling it away from heeseung but the older tried blocking his path no matter where jake turned.

half a minute passed and jake gave up, turning around to face heeseung that was pressed up against his back. jake lifted his arms in the air to shoot and missed yet again.

"see!" jake sulked, looking down at his feet, feeling heeseung's eyes on him, he was sure hee was so disappointed.

"hey" heeseung approached him, holding jake's hand in his, lifting his chin up to look at him,

"i sucked, didn't i?"

"mmmm yeah you did but" heeseung quickly got the last word out "i still love you" heeseung's fingers on jake's jaw brought him closer "if not even more" heeseung smiled softly locking his lips with jake's.

jake's arms found their way around heeseung's neck but heeseung was still too tall, jake's lips only brushed against heeseung's.

jake tip-toed, pulling heeseung down by his neck, reconnecting their lips. heeseung's hands lazily hung around jake's waist.

it's the sweet moments like this, jake finds himself falling deeper and deeper into. if someone told jake that heeseung was a selfish, self absorbed monster jake would never believe a word they say.

the heeseung jake knew right now, lifted him off his feet. literally. heeseung would throw jake over his back when jake refused to go to the store with him or eat ramyeon together.

heeseung was a sweetheart and jake couldn't see him as anything else.

"heeseung i wanted to–" the girl who entered shrieked seeing the position of their athlete and the university's top student.

jake pushed himself off heeseung, "it's not–" jake couldn't finish his sentence when the girl just smiled widely, closing the door and leaving.

"you two have fun" she winked and shut the door of the court.

jake let himself fall to the floor, sitting down. heeseung joined him, "something wrong?" he cocked his head to the side.

"isn't it obvious?" jake threw his arms in the air like a crazy person.

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