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"wake up"

being slapped with a pillow wasn't as bad but when sunoo did it, god did it hurt.

"fuck sun! why are you-ouch!" the elder held his head in pain looking oved to sunoo who was staring back at him blankly.

"i told you! drinking away your problems last night won't help!" sunoo whined, "but no you insisted 'just one more drink' " sunoo mocked giving heeseung a tablet to helpnwith his hungover and a glass of water.

"take these then check your phone incase you sent any ridicuclous messages to 'you know who' " sunoo flashed a teasing smiled.

heeseung's actions were done in reverse order as if sunoo was speaking backwards. the elder shoveled throough the sheetd to find his phone unlocking it and immediately clicking his chat.

shocked and regret were the only two feelings he could've felt, ignoring the throbbing pain in his head

"ah im guessing you did what you shouldn't have" sunoo sat beside him, looking over at the messages but heeseung was quick to shut his phone off hifing them in the duvet.

"gen's faculty is having an event on campus today, she asked us to come but you're not quite yourself right now so i'll just tell her-"

"no!" heeseung shouted "i'll come!" taking the medicine beside his table, the boy chugged it down within seconds, "see i'm fine! let's go!"

to sunoo's surprise.heesung got ready and changed in under 20 minutes.

without another word they were off.


"oppa!" some random girl ran up to him the moment he entered the gates "hear you're on the market again?" her fingers traced the buttons of his black jacket.

heeseung opened his mouth to say something but another voice cut him off.

"he is but not for sluta like you. piss off" it was gen. she sneered at the girl who only scoffed and walked away.

"wow you showed up!" she nervously said, considering how you were yesterday and all i-"

sunoo stood behind heeseung making the weirdest hand gesteres to signal gen to shut her trap.

but life had other ways of ending the topic.

"hey baby" a long arm slung over sunoo's shoulder. turning to his side sunoo immediarely regretted it after seeing the smug look on niki's face.

"hey baby my ass" sunoo grumbled. heeseung turned and snickered at the two.

"he's not wrong though" heeseung commented dodging sunoo's arm by a centimetre.

"woah baby chill!" niki held his arm to stop him but sunoo pulled away furiously pushibg himself off niki "i am not your baby" with that ge stormed off.

"oh uh gen need my hel-" heeseung's phone buzzed, "-p with anything?" buzzed again.



"you shoukd get that i'll be under tge third tent on the right when you're done okay?" she smiled and walked off.

my jakey ♡





my jakey is typing...

what's wrong?
read 11:23am

answer me
read 11:25am

goddammit jake!

my jakey ♡ misses a call from you

jake i swear!

she's here
she will hear the call
don't call

who's there?
are you okay?

heeseung somehow ended up in a deserted part of campus, pacing back and forth.

she? his mom? that fucker.

the thought of his mom beating him sent blood rushing though heeseung.

his phone vibrated once more in his hamd and that was enough for heeseung to lose his shit.

my jakey ♡

shr hut ms
(mom she hit me)

sge lookibg fir mv
(she's looking for me)

ic sgarwd ehan
(im scared ethan)

help me.

my jakey♡ went offline


a/n: im alive. you guys may wanna reread the story if you havent in a while :)

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