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jake loves his mom, don't get him wrong but he loathes her visits.

she visits every semester and jake appreciates it but...

"your room is so messy?"

"where are your books?"

"why are these gaming consoles here?"

"i didn't send you all the way to korea to play games"

jake sat there listening to all her complaints. you think by now he'd be used to this.

"where's that roomate of yours?" she asked putting away jake's gaming console.

"he's out with a friend"

"or a guy" she corrected but jake remained unfazed "i told you that boy rubs me the wrong way"

jake looked at her confused "he's obviously gay-"

"mom stop it"

"i'm serious jakey. i tried coaxing the principal to let you switch rooms but she is so full of excuses"

"i'm fine, mom and sunoo is not a bad roommate"

"one day you will see i'm right"

jake rolled his eyes. he wasn't a homophobic self absorbed drama queen like his mother.

"let's go to the cafeteria, i want to meet some of your friends" she walked out his dorm room.

jake's sugar babies.

you guys free?

sorry jakey i'm tutoring riki

no can do jake
i'm being tutored.


sorry jake
i have a report to finish before my class.

jake sighed, it was a busy wednesday. his mom wouldn't even care if they were busy saying something like 'you're their friend they should make time for you'.

a buzz from jake's phone took him out of his thoughts.

jake's sugar babies.

i'm free!

gen, you are a lifesaver
meet me at the cafeteria.

roger that!

jake slipped his phone into his back pocket and sighed in relief as they walked into fhe cafeteria.

gen was already waving at them.

"this girl again?" jake's mother asked in a  of pure disgust.

"she looks like a boy. why does she dress like that? your friends should dress appropriately" she nagged until they reached the table.

"hello mrs. sim" gen bowed in respect taking a seat.

"deary" jake's mother began and jake sighed knowing where this is going.


"do you not have dresses? a skirt? a blouse? some decent heels? makeup?"

gen was taken aback by her questions. she looked at jake who signalled her not to say anything.

gen only smiled at started eating. the silence was very awkward so gen decided to talk again.

"jake is quite smart mrs. sim. you raised an amazing son" she complimented him. jake let his head fall to the table in despair.

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