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that same day, heeseung stormed to his father's place where he used to live. not caring for the gardener who looked at him strangely when he walked through the gate.

opening the doors, he went to his father's study knowing he'll be there. to his surprise he saw his father there with a woman on his lap.

heeseung's heart dropped for a second. he couldn't think straight. his father murdered his mother and feels no remorse?

the woman getting off his father's lap. he stepped into his father's study.

"what is it"

no emotion as if he didn't just kiss another woman so passionately while his mother craved for just that; a simple family.

"mom would've still been here, y'know" with every word heeseung took a step further.

"she's dead"

"because you killed her!" he cried out loud, startling the woman who stood next to his father, her blouse in her hands.

"heeseung, let's not jump to-"

"i'm sorry, your little whore here might want to know how you beat your wife until she dies!"

the woman gasped, looking at mr.lee in shock. mr. lee frowned turning to look at his son, "i'm warning you. this is not the time"

"hit me again! i don't care. i know you hid jake's letters from me" heeseung finally said what he came here for.

"first mom, now jake. how many people do you want to take away from me!?" heeseung screamed. his face growing red.

mr.lee gestured for the woman to leave, closing the door as she left.

"listen here, you ungrateful child-" mr. lee stood up. part of heeseung felt terrified another set of beating awaiting him from all the beatings he endured throughout the years.

his father pinned his mother's death on him trying to make him feel guilty but heeseung knew better.

"your mother was an insufferable woman just like her son"

"my mother was so much sweeter than you could ever imagine!" heeseung cried out, full on crying.

"look you're crying like a girl. thought i beat you enough for that habit to stop" mr. lee raised his hand, coming to hit heeseung.

"why'd you hide them?" heeseung sank to his knees on the floor, "you knew jake was my friend" his voice hoarse from shouting.

"that child is a sissy. i did it to protect you from people like him"

heeseung looked at his father in utter disbelief, "protect me?" heeseung laughed menacingly, "you don't protect me" heeseung lifted up his shirt showing the marks that burned his chest, only a couple weeks old.

turning around his back had more of them, these were still healing "this is not protecting me"

"you deserve it"

heeseung fixed his shirt, turning on his knees again to meet his father's eyes. "what did you do with the letters?"

"i did what any father would do. rip them up and send it back"

"why? he waited for a reply"

"oh you know that boy needed to learn a lesson. my son is no faggot"

heeseung wanted to scream, to tell his dad the truth but he couldn't take another beating right now.

his heart was completely shredded from his earlier conversation with jake. the only person heeseung felt happy with doesn't want him.

he couldn't run to him like he's dreamt of, swoop him in his arms and tell him how much he's missed him.

sure he's been a total jerk to jake at first. the whole idea of fucking jake was to test if jake was straight or not.

his mother being the primary reason of that.

he never really denied it whenever heeseung insulted him so heeseung took the dumbest decision to kiss him.

after that, heeseung couldn't stay away from jake. to be close to him even if it's with his tongue in his mouth.

now he regrets it.. wishing he could just go back in the past and maybe just maybe if heeseung approached him differently jake would be his arms instead of sunghoon's.

conflicted after his conversation with his father, heeseung left the house.

thinking he could go to jake right now and explain everything to him but would jake even believe a word he says?

he still doubts heeseung is his childhood friend, not even his facial features gave it away.

unsure of how jake grew up after so much time. heeseung took the wrong path to get to know him and now it's all a mess.

now he's stuck with an unrequited love after dreaming of his future with jake.

call him stupid or delusional for this but heeseung really adored jake and as time passed heeseung found himself missing jake to the point he'd sit in his room and cry to himself.

look out the window on rainy days, seeing jake jumping in the trampoline that hasn't been used since the day he left. heeseung felt useless now, weak and tired.

stopping at a crosswalk to get back to uni, heeseung heard thunder rumble in the distance.

the light turned red, signalling heeseung could walk. dragging his feet along the crossing. heeseung spaced out.

his heart ached...

it wasn't until he heard a horn honk at him did he come back to reality, a car's headlights in the distance speeding in his direction.

in a matter of seconds heeseung's vision went blank. the last thing he heard were men shouting for someone to call an ambulance then he passed out.


a/n: *hides* umm angst yay?

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