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lh.sng/@ heeseunglee

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"no, no- hear me out guys, it was an innocent hangout nothing more"

"hangout? heeseung, how stupid do you think i am?" 

"gen, it was simply a 'thank you gift' " sunoo corrected her, looking smugly over to a distressed heeseung.

"you're right. two people in a cutesy cafe chugging down milkshakes and laughing, totally screams acquantaince" the sarcasm in her voice didn't go unnoticed.

heeseung watched in silence as his friends debated about his most recent post of his hangout with an unknown face.

"just tell us who's this girl, lee. we won't bite" sunghoon added, flatly, feigning interest.

"except niki, he's got a sharp mouth" gen added, earning a challenging glare from the latter.

heeseung sat there staring blankly past his friends into the open feild behind them detesting ever coming to gen's 'picnic' had he known it was a set up.

"c'mon heeseung" gen put on her puppy eyes and jutted out her lips. niki gagged in the background from the hard to see view next to him.

it's been an hour since the gang have been tirelessly knawing at heeseung skin for answers or any hints.

"hyung, just tell us" sunoo jumped beside him, knees plastered nder his thighs "is it kim hana? cho soo? kyung mi?" sunoo lsited every girl he could name from the top of his head but heeseung remained unfased after hearing eahc of them.

heeseung shifted his attention to his phone trying to block out his pestering friends.

"fine! don't tell us!" sunoo huffed  planting himself back at niki's side, sulking.

"let's leave him alone now. he's clearly protecting her just like he did with j-"

heeseung couldn't even let jay finish, "i'm not protecting anyone."

this was the first thing heeseung uttered after minutes of pestering.

everyone silently looked at each other with a knowing smile planted on their faces.

"so..." gen tried changing the topic, teh tension grew by the secodn and it was starting to feel overbearing.

"i'm hosting a party at my place two weeks from now." sunghoon announced.

"a party? for whom? and you don't have your own place sunghoon" niki questioned bitterly, seeing sunoo's eyes lit up at sunghoon's word.

sunghoon picked the picnic blanket nervously, opening hi mouth to answer half of niki's questions but gen internevened.

"niki, you're too nosy. can't sunghoon try to do something nice?" she shifted her attention to everyone else, "it's been a while since we hosted a party, this will be fun"

everyone reluctantly agreed. sunghoon silently thanked gen for saving his ass.

"and you're coming heeseung, no buts nor excuses. i'll drag you down the road if i have too" gen threatened earning cackles and laughs from everyone.


later that evening, heeseung and jay were walking back to their apartments. heeseung with one  headphone in as jay strolled along with him.

"hyung. what was at your window a couple nights ago?"

"huh? what are you talking about?"

"i heard knocks on your window and hear dyou shuffle around your bed then it just stopped. it kinda freaked me  out so thought i'd ask"

"oh uhh it was nothing. just the wind" heeseng dismissed the subject trying to avoid unnecessary talking.

jay shrugged it off. further down their path the blaring of what sounded like 2000's r and b ehoed along teh sidewalk.

jay took out his phone and put it to his ear.

"hey darling"

heeseung shifted his gaze over to jayy as if warning him not to make him vomit on the sidewalk.

"i'd never be caught dead in a party that doesn't have you. " the cockiness resisnating for jay's lips only left heeseung to one conclusion as to who is on the other side of the line.

yang jungwon.

heeseung rolled his eyes and covered his ears with his headphones to block out the cutesy behaviour that he knew was coming.


"HYUNG!" jay shouted from the bathroom. heeseung repsonded back with an equally loud tone.

"gen asked if we could join for chicken and beer tomorrow. the rest of our friends will be there as well" jay said coming out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and damp wet hair.

heesueng scrunched his face at the sight.

"please, i'll bet you $10,000 won jungwon will eat this look up" jay challenged smugly.

"i'll bet you that times two that you will eat him before he can even see you like that" heeseung retorted as a matter of fact.

jay smirked and headed off, feeling his ego lift with heeseung's words.


the very next day heesueng called in sick, ditching the group on their long awaited longing for chicken.

"heeseung hyung is seriously a wimp for missing out chicken" niki started off, taking a bite off a chicken leg.

gen only laughed scrolling through her phone for a bit. suddenly, she choked after drinking merely sip of the soju before her.

her frinds who sat close to her (jay and sunghoon) reached for her back but also stopped dead n their tracks.

lh.sng/@heeseung lee



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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