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“i can’t believe it” sunoo threw his bags in the van, slumping down on a two seater.

“sun” gen sighed “don’t, please” she begged him waiting for everyone else as they filed in upset and heavily disturbed. on a normal day they wouldn’t mind but they haven’t spent their weekend properly.

everyone was seated in a deafening silence. gen started the engine of the van, tapping on the steering as the last two entetered.

heeseung stopped for jake to go first but instantly regretted it, “i know where the door is" rolling his eyes. Jake sat himself next to niki, practically pushing him into sunoo on the two seater avoiding the empty two seats at the back with sunghoon.

“psst” niki called over to sunoo who’s face was scrunched up cutely, looking out the window. a low hum came from sunoo and that was it.

"sit here?" niki patted his lap "you'll be more comfy" he smiled.

sunoo craned his neck, meeting niki's eager and hopeful eyes.

for a second sunoo looked as if he considered it. standing up in front niki, the younger's heart leaped.

finally he can cuddle sunoo without him moving away.

but sunoo just walked past him, squeezing past jake going to the back of the van.

with heeseung…

jake and niki both looked like two ducks craning their necks to look at the two.

sunoo sat in the middle between heeseung and sunghoon. jake and niki expected him to acknowledge sunghoon and chat away.

he did just that but with heeseung instead of sunghoon.

tapping heeseung's shoulder gently, too gently for jake's liking. heeseung's dull eyes that were focussed on the empty sidewalks turned to sunoo with such vibrance.

jake couldn't tell if it was fake or not.

"can you two stop stalking? it's kind of hard to sleep here" jay who sat behind them, said.

niki and jake looked at each other and turned back to the front.

it was silent for a couple minutes. niki took out his headphone but jake's voice stopped him.

"you're crushing on sunoo?"

niki froze for a second, laughing bitterly the next.

"tell him" jake spoke again.

"if only it was that easy" niki looked down at his converse "sunoo has this idea that i flirt with everyone that passes my way"

"you do"

"i don't! not intentionally anyway" niki raised his voice a little to defend himseld

"i still think you should-"

"why don't you confront heeseung about everything you guys accuse each other of then?" niki started pointing fingers at jake now.

"i do!"

"you don't, jake! that's not communicating" niki argued.

"like you would know"

"i do know, trust me, i do"

jake buried his face in his hands, elbows propped on his knees, "he's just happier with everyone except me"

"that's not true"

jake lifted his face from hiding, looking at niki "you've seen it too. last night how close heeseung seemed to sunoo"

niki didn't respond. why should he? jake was right.

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