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oh god, jake was going insane. it's been a week and heeseung had not done anything. not that he wanted it but the feeling.


jake closed his eyes, the image of heeseung popping into his head. the dark haired got up, shaking the thought.

jake slung his bag over his shoulder heading out the door to class. he needed a distraction, class was perfect.

jake rushed out the dormitory, sprinting his way to campus. avoiding anyone and everyone he just needed to fill his head with formula's and complicated questions he needed to solve.

he arrived at the building for his physics lecture, slowing his pace. he gave himself a pat on the shoulder for successfully dogding heeseung.

scrolling through his phone, jake saw gen posted a picture of her and jieun together on the field. they were cute, jake won't lie.

suddenly, jake was pulled into an intersection between the buildings. jake's heart almost leaped out his chest. 

"don't hurt me please" jake put his arms up in defense, covering his face.

"awwww my fist in your face would feel so good right now"

lee heeseung.

jake uncovered his face, looking at the taller, surprised and furious, "god, can't you stay away from me" jake groaned.

"stay away?" heeseung's lip curved upwards in a sickly smirk, "you weren't saying that last time we met"

okay, it's gonna happen again. jake shut his eyes tight preparing himself for another kiss.

a few seconds passed. 

nothing. jake started feeling stupid. he opened his eyes seeing heeseung still towering over him with an amused expression.

"were you expecting something, pup?"

jake's face was pink now. how foolish was he to think heeseung would kiss him again.

heeseung poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue, jake shook his head turning to walk off only to be stopped by heeseung's hand slamming against the wall next to him.

"people will see us!" jake warned in vain when heeseung just stared at him.

"earth to–" 

heeseung's free hand found it's way around jake's waist, bringing him in yet another kiss.

jake almost moaned at the feeling of heeseung's mouth. jake dropped his phone: his hands holding onto the taller's broad shoulder's.

a minute passed and heeseung broke the kiss to catch his breath, laying his head on jake's.

"lee" jake called out to the older who simply hummed in response "what are you doing?"

jake's question was genuine. they've kissed who knows how many times yet every time they do heeseung plays it off as if he didn't just kiss a goddamn guy specifically jake.


jake let out a sarcastic chuckle at heeseung's words. of fucking course. the almighty captain would never admit he's gay or at least bisexual.

"i meant us. you keep kiss–" jake was cut off by heeseung's finger on his lips, whispering a 'hush'.

hush? jake sim doesn't hush to no one, "i don't hush to no one–" he was silenced when he heard a loud groan from heeseung as he fixed himself.

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