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jake's pov of the previous chapter ♡




jake decided to pay a visit to his mother the next day after hoon left. she was still in korea..

"what did you do to my letters i sent to ethan?" jake came in full of tears. the entire ride here he couldn't help but remember all the times he spent with ethan as a child.

"who's ethan?" she sipped her tea, pretending to look confused. the television playing some romance drama.

"mom" jake fell to her feet. at this point he was convinced ethan was heeseung but that little bug in his head won't shut up until he makes sure.

"okay okay. ethan did bring back one or two of your letters torn" she admitted "i didn't want to waste money or time so every letter after that i ripped up and left inside the mailbox"

jake's jaw hung open. he knew his mother was a monster but this was next level crazy.

"whyyy. he was my friend"

"you two were a little too friendly in my opinion" she stated as if she didn't just ruin her son's entire life.

"ethan was my only friend when you didn't let me have any"

"and i shouldn't let you have. look at how you speak to me now" she set her cup down growing irritated.

"my friends make me happy unlike you. taking away every little bit of happiness i have" jake rebutted.

jake's mother had enough, kicking jake in his face, sending him falling to the floor, "i didn't raise you to talk to me this way. thank goodness i left for australia with you when i had the chance or else you'll be all wrapped up in that stupid boy's arms"

jake held his face, ignoring the bleeding cut, "you left because of ethan?"

"why else would i leave? his father paid me a fat sum of money to take you away from him" mrs. sim smiled to herself.

"you greedy witch! how could i call you my mother?" jake struggled to get to his feet, looking at the woman who raised him with shame.

as crazy as she was, she launched at jake, slapping him, "i am your mother. i gave birth to you. i brought you into this world to live the life i want you to live, not whatever fairytale who conjured up in your head"

"i just w-want to be happy" jake cried out. his mother never hit him for anything else other than when he got anything less than an A in exams.

"happy?pfft. does jakey want to find love and marry someone who's going to leave him in the end?" she laughed. jake was convinced his mother belonged in a mental asylum after that.

"no wonder dad left you, you're fucking crazy"

"yah! did you just curse at me?" another slap left a handprint on jake's face. then another, making jake's cheek turn a bruising red colour.

jake cried aloud for help but no one came.

15 years ago, something similar to this happened. it was report card day at elementary. jake chewed on his fingernails until one of them started bleeding.

needless to say, jake only got one A on his test and the rest were B's. when he arrived, his mother locked him up in his room and beat him until he called for his only friend 'ethan'.

ethan didn't come. jake's room was on the first floor. he snuck out that evening and into heeseung's garden.

as expected heeseung was there watering the flowers with a toy can.

jake sniffled and heeseung quickly turned around. seeing jake's bruises heeseung dropped his can and hugged him.

"your daddy did this to you?" heeseung asked, staring blankly and the purplish marks.

"mom" jake clarified, wiped his tears. heeseung told him to wait coming back with his trusty first aid kit.

"heeseung will make it all better" dressing his wounds like he learned, heeseung leaned down and kissed jake's bruise.

the shocked younger boy pulled his hand away in shock, " 's okay. mommy says kisses on booboo's makes it so much better"

jake giggled looking at the bruise on his hand, "ethan has a booboo too"

heeseung panicked checking his arms and legs, "i don't-"

"yes, right here" jake leaned forward, placing a quick peck on heeseung's cheeks.

heeseung blushed profusely, putting away his things in his first aid kit. he admired how ethan always offered to help him without hesitation.

now, jake was crying for help and he couldn't even call for heeseung. Luckily jake managed to unlock the door and run out the front of the house until he reached a couple houses away.

not thinking twice, jake called jungwon.

"jake what's up?"

"where's heeseung"

"jake are you okay?"

"just tell me where heeseung is please" jake cried through the line. thehe heard him. heeseung voice so soft yet jake heard him call his name.

"where are you?"

there was a long pause on the line until he heard jungwon sigh and give jake the hospital address.

"hospital?" jake quickly ran over to call a taxi, waving his hand around at every car that passed by.

"heeseung got in an accident a week ago" jungwon explained. jake guilt grew as jungwon kept on talking and explaining everything.

"i'll be there soon"

jake finally got a taxi and arrived at the hospital heeseung was at. he approached the reception desk asking for heeseung's room number.

"sorry sir only family or close friends"

"i'm his boyfriend for crying out loud" jake had to use the excuse to see heeseung quickly. running up the staircase.

he rushed inside heeseung's hospital room. it was well furnished. assuming jay was the one who paid for it.

the decor wasn't even the first things on jake's mind when he saw heeseung lying there, the heart monitor beeping. his arm in a cast as well as his two feet.

rushing over jake lost his balance and fell to his knees at heeseung bedside. ignoring jungwon who sat there watching everything, jake took heeseung's free hand in his and cried.

his heart ached to see heeseung like this especially now since he knew that heeseung was his ethan.

his ethan who always protected him, helped him and jake couldn't even be there for him when he was in here.

it all hurt jake so much thinking he could've just listened to heeseung and maybe he wouldn't be here today.

jake hate to admit it but sunghoon was right. what jake felt for him was nothing compared to how he feels for heeseung.

"jake" he heard heesueng call his name, looking up he saw the older's eyes half opened staring at him "don't cry"

heeseung voice made jake only cry more. he scooted closer to heeseung's face, looking at the tired boy.

the one who played with him, showed him what it felt like to have a friend and to feel loved by someone.

"ethan i'm here"

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