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"damn hee, your plan didn't work"

jay groaned in agony referring to his little encounter with jungwon that was supposedly the 'best idea'.

"not my fault, man. the boy rarely even smiles at anyone" heeseung shrugged, shooting the ball into the net.

jay lay flat on the ground devastated, "when will the universe give me a chance" he cried out into the empty court.

"patience" heeseung simply said. jay laughed mockingly.

"patience? you? do i need to remind you that–"

"y'know i'm great! don't need a reminder" heeseung breathed in a deep sigh the ball bouncing off somewhere in the room.

"yang jungwon!" jay screamed. heeseung laughed while drinking his water at jay's desperation. he admired it even though jay was somewhat like him.

"jay?" fuck, jungwon peaked his head through the door making heeseung spit out his water seeing his friend sit up so fast.

"present! i mean yeah?"

jungwon's liped curved into a small smile, walking in with a binder in his hand. heeseung noticed someone shyly walking behind jungwon.

jaeyun. they locked eyes for a moment, the smaller looking away quickly, heeseung's heart skipped a beat.

"uh jake–" jake pinched jungwon's arm "–me, sorry i meant i was supposed to give this report to park jihyo-ssi but i can't find her, she's your sister right?" jay nodded "can you give this to her please?"

jungwon extended his arms, holding out the clear binder, jay looked at it then back at jungwon.

heeseung nudged him, "oh uh yeah i'll give it to her" jay took the binder, his hands brushing against jungwon's.

jungwon bowed and so did jake avoiding eye contact with heeseung the entire time, "fighting!" jake wished, turning to walk away then bumping into the janitor's cleaning bucket.


heeseung reached forward to go check on jake but the latter gave them a thumbs up before leaving.

"dude!" jay screamed the minute jungwon closed the door, falling to the floor again. "i touched his hand!" jay looked at his hands, dreamily.

"did you see the way he looked when he gave me the binder"

heeseung rolled his eyes, he's definitely not similar to jay in anyway.


"ow!" jake held his foot, hopping out the door, "stupid bucket" jake mumbled.

"you sure you're okay?" jungwon looked at jake, worry written on his face.

"i'm fine" jake brushed away the topic, limping a little.

"jakey" sunoo waved at jake from down the hall smiling brightly at him, "any of you seen sunghoon-ssi?"

"sunoo i think it's too early to confess-" ni-ki approached him from behind, resting a hand on sunoo's shoulder.

"yah! i wasn't gonna" sunoo pushed ni-ki arm off.

"speak of the devil and he shall appear" niki said.

"heeseung?!" jake quickly turned around in fear but he only saw sunghoon walking towards them.

"shut up niki!" sunoo slapped his arm, "sunghoon-ssi" sunoo smiled brightly, niki rolled his eyes and jungwon saw it.

"hi sunoo" sunghoon greeted, turning to jake. sunoo's smile dropped with a confused stare.

"hey" sunghoon's voice changed to a more cooler tone "about those smoothies..."

"it's fine, heeseung bought me one" jake spat carelessly.

"heeseung?" sunghoon's eyes widen and so did everyone else's.

"that stuck up mama's boy bought you a drink?" sunoo laughed.

"that's not nice" sunghoon turned to sunoo who immediately bit his lip, looking down, "sorry but heeseung's not like that sunoo. please don't judge others before you get to know them properly" sunghoon placed a hand on sunoo's shoulder.

"your friend should take your advice too. he treats our jakey like a toy" ni-ki defended.

sunghoon sighed. ni-ki was right, heeseung was an asshole to jake but he knew the boy wasn't like that but he can't defend heeseung's actions either.

"my bad guys" sunghoon apologized looking back at jake, "if you're down for another smoothie meet me at 5, near your faculty building"

sunghoon patted jake's shoulder, then leaving to the basketball court.

"well that was something" jungwon broke the awkward silence.



jake ran out the class, books in hand. his lecturer wouldn't quit rambling.

jake's mind was swarmed with thoughts of sunghoon still waiting for him.

no way sunghoon would wait for someone he barely knew.

jake arrived at the spot, seeing sunghoon standing there scrolling through his phone, a smile on his face when he locked eyes with jake.

"you made it!" sunghoon smile was intoxicating. it made jake feel like everything was okay...no matter how fucked up it was.

after a couple minutes of walking they arrived at a smoothie stand.

"cute place" jake looked at the stickers and banners hung around the stall.

"which flavor do you like?"

"uhh mango" jake looked at the menu carefully.

"mom, one mango and one strawberry and banna smoothie please" sunghoon ordered.

"mom?" jake looked at him surprised, sunghoon laughed a little at jake's shocked face.

"yup. this is my mom's smoothie stall. tada" sunghoon did his infamous jazz hands to impress the male.

jake quickly stood up bowing to her, apologizing.

"don't worry, dear. he almost never brings any friends here" she smiled at him, blending up the fruits.

"here you go" she gave jake his drink.

"mmm this is so good" jake took another mouth-filled drink.

"you're only saying that cause it's my mom, aren't you?"

"no, never. i don't lie especially to sweet people  who treat me to their mom's fruit smoothies"

sunghoon blushed hard, his mom noticed this and smiled, "how much are these?" jake took out his wallet to pay.

"no need. think of it as a welcoming gift" she smiled, jake now sees where sunghoon got his infamous smile from.


"i insist" jake thanked her not wanting to debate over it. he turned to sunghoon who was typing aggressively.

"everything okay?" jake asked. sunghoon looked up, putting his phone in his pocket.

"jake i'm sorry i have a group project and they need my help, like now"

jake told him it's alright and he scurried off back to uni. his mother looked worried, wishing his mother could be like this. caring, fun and cheerful.


a/n: just a filler chapter guys still hope you enjoyed.

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