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"wait, so you're not dating heeseung?"

"gen started believing rumours?! shocker" niki gasped, unsurprised, stuffing his mouth with a spoonful of yogurt.

"shut up you little brat" gen leaned over, hitting niki on his shoulder.

sunoo rolled his eyes when niki pretended to be hurt, "so, jakey, who are you dating then?" sunoo's lip jutted out, curious eyes staring into jake's.

"uhh" jake scratched his head, he was a terrible liar but he couldn't say to sunoo that he's dating his crush "n-no one" jake laughed it off.

sunoo opened his mouth to say something, jake silently prayed he wouldn't drag the topic on "but heeseung asked to stay at your dorm last night so i packed up and left to room with sunghoon hyung"

jake wasn't sure if he should be jealous that sunoo went to sunghoon after their date last night and sunghoon said nothing to him about it this morning or that sunoo just made it known to everyone that heeseung was at his dorm last night.

"heeseung? oh yeah!" jake pretended to forget "i remember kicking him out when i saw him in my dorm last night"

it took everything in jake not to recall the memory of the late night he shared with heeseung, hoping someone would talk.

"oh i heard you came back pretty late though, where were you?"

jake regretted what he just thought. anyone other than sunoo can speak. jake must've been imagining things but sunoo's questions feel very personal and directed to jake only.

"studying," jake mumbled.


"here sunoo hyung'' niki fed a spoonful of yogurt past sunoo's lips, shutting him up. jake gave niki a tight lipped smile to which he returned.

looking back at sunoo, his lips were now smeared with yogurt. taking the opportunity niki swiped it away with his thumb, his face turning red.

"and what about you, sun?" gen interrupted the couple moment the two platonic friends shared "no lover?"

"you know i have my eyes on sunghoon hyung" sunoo retorted, pushing niki's hands away. a look of disgust shot in the younger's way.

"sunghoon seems a little too reserved for you, sun" gen honestly spoke.

jungwon, who was drifting off to sleep, opened his eyes looking at gen's sudden comment.

"he's single"

"i meant to himself, sun" gen corrected herself. "you're bubbly and always so happy. two complete opposites"

"opposites attract" sunoo smiled warmly, tension rising in the air between the two "right jakey?" sunoo turned to look at jake.

"huh? oh yeah i guess according to basic physics, they do"

"but sun not everyone opposite to you would end up being your soulmate"

"you said it yourself, i'm cheery. i can cheer him up"

niki looked over to sunoo, a worried look on his face seeing a tear droplet hanging on his eyelashes.

"all i'm saying is maybe you need someone who's goofy and silly to match your sensible and happy mood" gen finished.

sunoo couldn't hold back the tear, it fell from his eyes, "don't act like you're some love guru"

niki sat next to sunoo, his hands on his lap itching to hug sunoo, to wipe his tears away.

"hey strangers" sunghoon poked his head next to jungwon's who jumped up wiping the drool from his mouth.

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