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"heeseung hyung~" jake moans voice dripping in need and lust it was sweet music to heeseung's ears, sucking on jake's milky white thighs.

jake grabs a fistful of heeseung's hair when he sucks on his inner thigh, moving higher and higher up with every suck.

"f-fuck hyung s-stop" jake tries, visibly shaking at how sensitive that spot is. heeseung ignores him smirking against the soft skin before stopping at the intersection of his thigh.

jake lets out a long sigh, his head thrown aback, nails still in the jocks hair.

"pretty" heeseung's eyes fixes on jake's fucked out state, staring up at him with the most sinful look jake swore he would finish right there.

jake blushes profusely, hiding his face in his hands. heeseung continued nibbling on jake's inner thigh, the boy above letting out breathy moans.

"more please–i need more hyung" jake leans down, his hand lifting heeseung's chin, "fuck me hyungie"

heeseung woke up sweat dripping from his forehead, "dude you good?" jay asked, fixing his outfit for uni.

"i dreamt jake" heeseung mumbled out still in his half sleeping state.

"again?" jay's tone was less amusing and more annoyed, "i can tell" he looked over to heeseung's prominent bulge sticking out of the sheets.

heeseung lay back down, throwing his arms in the air, "i'm tired jayy" he drawled out.

"skipping classes on your perfect attendance record?" jay opened his mouth in shock, mocking heeseung then laughing when heeseung threw a pillow to his face.


"dad what the fuck!"


"don't talk to me like that. where are your manners, lee heeseung? i didn't raise you this way"

heeseung closed his eyes, holding back everything in him not to hit or say something. 

his little day off turned into a nightmare when his dad showed up to his apartment announced.

"how are your studies?" he pushed his way into the apartment.

"i was the top scorer last semester" heeseung fixed his hoodie, hoping it would please his dad who was looking around the apartment skeptically.

"and games? that basketball thing you insisted on joining" his voice bitter. heeseung knew his father wanted him to train to be a boxer but when his mother was here she convinced his father to let him pursue basketball.

"the league against other universities starts in two week" heeseung stood proper, not slipping in the way he spoke to his father afraid of being hit again.

mr. lee was abusive to both him and his mother. heeseung always hated his father for that, knowing he was the cause of his mother's death but he couldn't do anything against it.

"this apartment is so fucking girly. i did not spend so much money for you to turn into those shameless gays parading the streets. menace to earth i tell yah"

heeseung agreed with his father having no other choice. mr. lee wasn't a soft dad, he showed no pity nor love for his son. since the day his mother left this world heeseung had a hard time with his dad. only when uni started did he get a little break from him until he shows up randomly.

his father sat on the sofa, looking at heeseung who felt his palms leak like a faucet, "your girlfriend, where is she? ah what's her name again..." mr. lee clicked his tongue trying to remember but his son interjected.

"we're not together anymore"

"what?!" heeseung visibly flinched feeling his dad's spit land on his face even from 4 feet away.

"she cheated on me" heeseung lied. he dumped her because well...he didn't really like her.

"call her then! she's the daughter of a very wealthy man, lee" his father warned him, a vein popping in his head.

heeseung wanted to object but he couldn't, "i will" agreeing to his dad's orders as he always does, heeseung sat on further way from his father, listening to constant complaints and insults.

"and that jaedoon guy. what place did he get?" the sudden mention of jake made heeseung tense up a bit.

"it's jaeyun and he came in second" heeseung's father gave a very stern glare.

"keep your head up, heeseung. that boy will snatch your spot again" he warned turning on the television to some wrestling match.

i miss you, mom. 

heeseung looked up at the ceiling fighting back little water droplets that threaten to fall.

oh how he wished his mom was here, to see her again then maybe he wouldn't have to put up a front for others including his dad maybe then he can be himself.


a/n: lazy chapter <(_ _)>

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