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it was another normal day at uni for jake, searching for some random text that's almost impossible to find for his class. 

jake loved helping out, doing tasks for members of the student council, engaging in any event their was at uni. it always gave him a reason to stay here and study, rather than breaking down or running away.

"i can't believe it's two years and jungwon still won't acknowledge me"

jake recognized that voice, his ears perked up at the mention of his friend. the other voice was one that either turned jake on or irritated the living shit out of him most of the time.

"dude, just publicly confess to him" the blonde suggested, jake gasped in shock when jungwon approached him.

"jake i found thi–" jungwon was pulled in a mouth covering hug, trying to shush him. confused as he was jungwon gave up fighting and waited until jake's ears weren't already in the shelf.

there was nothing said after that. jake signaled jungwon to be quiet as they walked out the library carefully.

"you heard that noise right?" jay looked at heeseung who shrugged it off, "anyways man, you're one to talk. why don't you publicly announce your feelings for–"

heeseung palm quickly covered jay's mouth before he said anything, looking around to make sure no one heard.

heeseung sighed in relief then let go of jay, "i'm serious, one day he's gonna find out" heeseung took out his phone, ignoring jay.


"haha very funny, jake" jungwon wasn't amused at what jake just told him he overheard.

"i'm serious, wonie. jay likes you alot. give the boy a chance" jake shook jungwon's arm pestering him.

"sorry, jakey but if that ever happened i'm leaving right away"

"jungwon" jay cried out at how hopeless his friend's love life is. for as long as he knew jungwon, the boy never dated nor cared to like anyone.

"what you two talking so secretly about?" sunoo pushed his head between the two, startling jake.

"jay like jungwon and jungwon refuses to accept it!" jake complained.

"oh wonie" sunoo sat next to him "jay is sincere. hell, even the everyone at uni could tell he likes you"

"but i don't like him" jungwon rolled his eyes, already annoyed at his friends.

"aish!" sunoo wanted to pelt jungwon with a brick full of common sense, "i mean look at me and sunghoon. we talk"

jake raised an eyebrow giving sunoo a questioning look, "fine we exchanged 'hi' 's a couple time!" 

"and you say my love life sucks. at least i'm not like him!" jungwon looked sunoo up and down, judging his mere existence.

"or you" jungwon finished his sentence.

"i do have a love life!" jake protested without thinking. this intrigued sunoo and even jungwon who's dull expression replaced with an interested one for the first time in ages.

jake was suddenly speechless. he didn't have a love life and he don't even know why he said it. gosh he wanted to bang his head so hard right now.

"with who?" sunoo asked. both looking at jake like an eager cat and fox.

lie. make up a name. anyone. they would forget it soon anyway so.



just then they heard a loud noise like metal meeting the floor. behind jake was a fallen sunghoon, his lunch spilled over his white-tee.

his eyes met with sunghoon's and jake felt guilty for some reason as if it was his fault sunghoon fell.

after getting him some napkins and helping him clean up, sunghoon looked at jake, "you like, hee?"

jake wanted to cry because sunghoon eyes looked...hurt. jake doesn't know why and now he's frustrated with the mess he's caused.

"i don't, really"

"oh nonsense!" sunoo butted in, wiping sunghoon's face with a napkin, "it's shocking right? enemies to lovers. who would have thought?"

jungwon went quiet again. he gave no reaction to jay's fake confession, only sunoo who wouldn't stop talking about.

'what did i put myself into?'

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