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chapter warning! 18+ (sexual content)
please skip or do not read if you are uncomfortable (ᵔᴥᵔ)


"f-fuck, lee" jake moaned, head thrown aback, while his arch nemesis kissed him stupid.

jake didn't return the kiss but gave up fighting against the jock. he won't lie, the situation did turn him on but freaked him out even more.

he was no innocent puppy, he knew a fair amount of what goes down in these situations but he knew heeseung wasn't in his right mind either...

"lee-" jake managed to say between the aggresive teeth clashing and lip biting.

heeseung being himself did not listen. instead took this as a chance to slip his tongue into jake's mouth earning the most sinful yet sweetest moan heeseung has ever heard.

"mhm-nghh" jake was speechless, literally, just like heeseung wanted him.

shoving his tongue in, pressing it against the shorter's exploring all of jake's wet cavern.

heeseung's groans in between made jake feel something he never felt.


heeseung locked his arms around jake's waist pulling jake's body closer to his. jake instinctively gripped heeseung's shoulders for support.

heeseung stopped devouring jake's mouth, pecking his lips travelling his kisses from his face.

"heeseung-" jake called out.

"hm?" heeseumg hummed in response, busy kissing down to jake's neck.

"heeseung stop! we'll get cau-ahhh" jake was stopped mid-sentence when heeseung sucked between his neck and collarbone. the feeling sent an electric shock through jake's entire body.

heeseung pulled away, looking down at jake witg a devilish smirk. the strands of hair that once decorated his forehead now messed up in all directions.

"you having fun, pup?"

jake gave heeseung a puzzled look as if he just spoke in a foreign language.

jake wanted to say yes...hell! he could kiss heeseung's pretty lips again but...

"i can't do this!" jake shoved heeseung aside "we can't do this, lee" jake tried reasoning hoping it would bring the obnoxious captain back.

jake rambled on and on about how bad this could be and what they did was wrong on so many levels. his back turned away from heeseung avoiding doing somethung he would regret in the end.

because as much as heeseung was horny right now so was jake.

"-i could get expelled and you-" jake was cut off by the feeling of someone standing behind him.

it doesn't take two braincell to know it was heeseung.

"look heeseung if you-" jake turned around and was immediately pulled into another kiss.

heeseung's big hands cupped jake's face. this time heeseung's lips caressed his, moving ever so softly on the bitten and bruised flesh.

jake felt a sharp sting when heeseung sucked on his bottom lip then pulling away.

"do i need to kiss you to shut you up?" heeseung raised a eyebrow. jake opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it, biting down on his lips himself wincing in pain at the cuts heeseung left from earlier.

"cat got your tongue?" heeseung laughed menacingly "oh wait, you're not a kitty, your a little pup aren't you?"

what the fuck was heeseung on about now.

the taller male leaned in, his thumb on jake's lips, feeling the softness of it as he spread them apart slowly.

"even now you're looking at me with those eager puppy eyes  i can't seem to resist, fuck jaeyun-ah" heeseubg stopped touching the male letting out a groan of frustration.

jake shook his head at heeseung's words, looking down at his feet.

heeseung turned to the boy again seeing him standing tbere like a lost puppy, his pouty lips making it harder for heeseung.


heeseung mumbled the word barely audible but jake heard it. his eyes met heeseung's once more in a questioning gaze.

"i'm cute?"


"you just said i'm cute" jake informed the other who seemed unaware of what comes out his mouth.

heeseung let out a laugh "me? haha jaeyun-ah you're so funny" heeseung's voice became an octave higher "i would never think about a fag in such a way"

jake was stunned. heeseung fucked his mouth a few minutes ago and now he's denyi g simething he said...or maybe jake was wrong.

before jake could reply the locker room opened and in came sunghoon followed by the rest of the team.

sunghoo  looked at the two back and forth in an alienated gaze until someone shouted.

"we have a girl on the team!"

"gen got in?" jake looked at sunghoon  who smiled and nodded.

jake forgetting the previous situation ran past sunghoon to meet his best friend.

he saw her talking with a freshman by the bleachers.

"gen!" jake ran towards her, jumping on her "congratulations!"

"ahh jakey thank you but- you're a tiny bit heavy" gen squeaked out.

"my bad" jake jumped off gen, noticing the girl standing there fiddling with her keychain.

gen smiled, "oh! yunnie, this is one of my 'fans' "

jake greeted the girl with a wide smile "i'm jake, gen's smartest friend"

"hi jake! my name is jieun!" the girl was indeed cute, her gummy smile was definitely her charm.

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