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warning: sexual content. i'll be putting a '+' for mature chapters like these. enjoy <3 also not a pro at writing smut so cut me some slack.


jake swore to himself he wouldn't be seduced by heeseung again no matter if they were trapped in an elevator, jake won't give in.

that thought quickly left his head when heeseung showed up at his dorm.

now jake is leaning against his counter, heeseung's lips on his and his hands resting on either side of jake.

"hees-heeseung" jake pulled away a little, the aforementioned eyes focused on his lips.

jake forgot what he was going to say and kissed heeseung again.


jake looked confused. heeseung patted his ass "counter. now, jaeyun" oh goodness jake won't lie heeseung's sex voice sounded so hot especially when he said his name.

jake bit his lip, hopping on edge of his kitchen counter. he's playing heeseung's mind game, if he wants to fuck him and not give a reason why jake would make sure heeseung is begging for more.

"you look so pretty there" heeseung rested his hands on jake's thigh, spreading them apart.

jake wore an oversized sweater with a pair of knee-ripped jeans. so when heeseung's hands touched his skin his body set aflame.

heeseung slotted himself between jake's thigh.

"what now?" jake pouted, tilting his head to the side.

jake looked adorable even heeseung wouldn't denied it. heeseung rubbed his thumb over jake's exposed thigh, looking at him a wild gaze almost predatory.

"expecting something?"

jake pulled heeseung closer by his hair, kissing him hard. the kiss was messy, tongues fighting for dominance and lips bruising ne another

jake pulled apart for a second, looking into heeseung's eyes, "you know, i can top you any day" jake challenged.

"oh wanna bet, jaeyun-ah?" jake didn't know if he regretted what he just said because heeseung sucked his neck hard.

he was sure his collarbones would break at some point but would jake tell him to stop? no. jake was a virgin but heeseung's didn't need to know that.

"ahhh" jake thread his fingers through heeseung's hair, his sweater hanging off his shoulder. 

a couple minutes of moaning and heeseung sucking jake's neck like a vampire, did the taller pull apart.


heeseung just stared at jake. the look in his eyes unreadable at least no one ever looked at jake that way.

taking the opportunity, jake managed to push heeseung off him, jumping off the counter. he pulled heeseung into a heated makeout.

both stumbled their way to jake's room, jake reached the bed first toppling down with heeseung hovering over him.

heeseung reached for jake's sweater taking it off him. when he did heeseung stopped his actions.

having heeseung stare at him jake felt embarrassed, covering his face.

"hey" he felt heeseung's hands on his, the older's voice oddly soft but it quickly faded with his next words "fucking pussy! let me see you" heeseung demanded reminding jake that this was all a silly game.

jake took his hands from his eyes, switching their positions, urging heeseung to sit at the edge of the bed.

"you're not leaving me with blue balls, jaeyun" heeseung gave the boy a death stare when he stood up from the bed.

"relax" jake smiled innocently. looking straight into heeseung's eyes as he went down on his knees in front of the male.

heeseung let out a groan at the sight in front of him. jake looked so pretty and pliant like a little dog.

heeseung ran a hand through jake's hair, "you want my dick in your mouth, puppy?" the pet name aroused jake.

he was already leaking through his pants. it was painful but right now all he cared for was heeseung's pleasure.

jake nodded. heeseung unzipped his pants and briefs throwing them somewhere in jake's room.

jake's mouth dropped open, heeseung was big. not that he had anything to compare it to nor any experience at all but it was surely bigger than his and jake felt his mouth water.

heeseung's looked down at him, a smirk plastered on his face, "bet you've never gotten fucked by someone this big"

jake ignored heeseung's nonsense, worrying more about what he was going to do and how was that going to fit.

"hurry up before i fuck your mouth myself."

jake used his hand, pumping heeseung's cock. the precum spreading perfectly making it easier as jake went on.

heeseung let out a few breathy moans as jake's pace increased, "p-put it in your mouth" heeseung breathed out.

jake leaned forward, letting his lisp rest on the tip for a second earning a loud moan from heeseung who threw his head back.

"ohh fuckkkkk!"

the sudden act making jake a little more confident, taking the tip in his mouth, lapping his tongue around it slowly.

"f-fucking hell jaeyun, quit that!" heeseung legs were shaking. jake looked up him confused and heeseung lost it.

he grabbed a fistful of jake's hair and thrusted into his mouth. jake cried at the sudden force. the unfamiliar taste and feeling entering his mouth as heeseung thrusted mercilessly.

"you're such a good boy jaeyun-ah" hee grunted out, pushing almost all of his length into jake's mouth.

the younger boy gagged feeling the tip at the back of his throat yet his pants twitched at every thrust.

jake palmed himself through his pants while heeseung mouth fucked him.

the friction made jake moan on heeseung's dick, the older's eyes shot open seeing the sinful action jake was doing.

"do i turn you on that much, baby" jake shut his eyes letting out a long muffled moan. heeseung's raspy voice and fucked out face did it for jake.

within minutes he felt heeseung twitch inside his mouth, "i'm gonna cum" heeseung moaned, looking down at jake, thrusting his hips faster.

heeseung's legs quivered when his hot liquid exploded inside jake's mouth. the boy was dumbfounded not knowing what to do.

after heeseung released all his juices, he pulled out. jake was definitely wrecked. his lips were swollen and shiny with heeseung's cum dripping down them, his eyes wet and red his cheeks flushed.

"swallow" heeseung demanded.

"huh?" jake managed to say.

"i said swallow, jaeyun" heeseung held jake's face in a bruising grip, forcing him to obey. jake swallowed the salty liquid, wincing as it went down his throat.

"good boy" heeseung praised him. jake liked it...in fact he loved it. he always loved getting praises whenever he did good on a test or did something for his friends.

heeseung got up, cleaning himself up then began dressing himself.

"you're leaving?" jake s, it at on the floor, not wanting to get up. his mouth felt numb and his throat hurt.

heeseung nodded, fully dressed now looking for his phone.

jake sat there with a pout on his face. heeseung looked at him secretly, seeing the stain on his pants, he scoffed feeling his ego boost.

before he left heeseung knelt down meeting jake's eyes. their faces so close, "stop pouting, you just sucked my dick you should feel flattered" with that heeseung walked out on jake.


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