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jake was still processing heeseung's words and actions from earlier today.

there was no way he'd be okay with what jake did. he expected heeseung to go livid and beat the shit out of him.

"i think heeseung really likes you"

"excuse me? nah" jake looked up at gen who munched on a celery stick.

"i mean, looking back on it now the only reason i got in to the team was because of you, jakey" gen pointed out, a flashback of her mentioning jake which successfully distracted heeseung.

"gen you're losing it"

"she's been losing it since day one" niki commented, a slap on his head he received.

"yah! riki!" sunoo scolded him, and usually niki would just shut up.

"what? it's true she's crazy" niki didn't mean a word he just said but he hated listening to his hyung always.

"you little-" sunoo launched towards niki but a hand pressed against his chest stopping him. niki opened his eyes to see sunghoon there.

"i have homework, see you guys" niki's mood switched up, walking away from them. sunoo was a bit confused for a second until sunghoon sat next to him.


"you can call me hyung" sunoo blushed hard, holding sunghoon's arm chatting away.

jake felt a bit awkward considering he had feelings for sunghoon and now everyone thinks he's dating his bestfriend.


sunoo stopped talking halfway, jake looked at the owner of the voice, "meet me at the gates in ten, please"

sunghoon got up and left. leaving gen and sunoo dumbfounded. sunoo's eyes trickled with tears when jake looked at him.

he felt bad, "hey sun, it's nothing. i'm sure he just wants to ask about heeseung" jake comforted his friend.

"i agree, sun. nothing is going on with jake and sunghoon"

jake left their table after that. walking down the hallways he spotted jay leaned up against the locker near jungwon's while his friend stacked the older's hands with all his textbooks.

sunghoon waved his hand when he spotted jake walking towards him.

jake sprinted towards sunghoon, reaching him he was almost breathless but he wasn't given time to catch it when his arm was pulled and he found himself kissing park sunghoon.

considering jake only ever kissed heeseung in his life, the feeling was a bit uncomfortable. jake didn't know what to feel at this point.

stuck there, he didn't kiss back. hands frozen at his sides. he surely felt butterflies whenever he hung out with sunghoon but that was just it, nothing....jake felt nothing now that his lips were slotted in sunghoon's.

pulling away, jake saw sunghoon's panicked expression but he couldn't even question anything.

"jake, i-i'm sorry. i just really like you and- and well heeseung said the rumours were all fake so" sunghoon rambling stopped. jake never saw him saw nervous before.

conflicted, jake didn't want to give the boy the wrong impression nor lead him on.


"hold on a second" sunghoon ran over to a little flower garden their uni had for decor. he picked it and ran back to jake.

"please don't say anything yet" sunghoon fiddled with the stem of the flower, reaching his hand to tucks the strands of hair behind jake's ear.

"we don't know each other properly so please all i'm asking is for you to give me a chance" sunghoon smiled at him and jake felt weak.

Top Class- Heejake ffWhere stories live. Discover now