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"heeseung is a total asshole"

"i agree"

"me too"


the three turned to jake. stunned look on their faces. the captain assigned the four on cleaning duty after their pre-game.

sunoo let out a string of curses followed by gen. jungwon glaring at jay who looked like he was gonna shit his pants.

"since when did you stop hating on him?" sunoo picked up the empty water bottles laying on the field throwing them into a trash bag.

"i still hate him"

"that's not what you just said, honey" gen intervened smirking at the flustered look on jake's face.

"technically he didn't say anything" ni-ki showed up, swinging his arms around sunoo who shoved him away.

"where the fuck were you? get a bag and help me!" sunoo scolded ni-ki who quickly did as he was told.

"ayay captain!" ni-ki put his fingers to his forehead, saluting sunoo before taking his trash bag running around the field picking up all the trash.

"y'know if you look hard enough you would think ni-ki got a thing for sunoo" gen nudged the boy who watched ni-ki pace back and forth throwing wrappers into the bag.

"oh god please don't look that hard" sunoo cringed at the mention of ni-ki ever liking him.

"anywho" gen blinked away the idea, "since when did you start warming up to heeseung jakey?"

"you're warming up to, hee?" sunghoon placed his arm on jake's shoulder throwing the question out there.

"sunghoon hyung! hi!" sunoo smiled at him the older returning it as always, refocusing his attention on jake.

"it's nothing" jake passed it off, putting the unused water bottles into a cooler. sunghoon offered to help but jake denied.

"speak for yourself" gen gave jake a stink eye before turning to sunghoon, smiling from eye to eye, "you can help me" she gave him the broom she held.

sunghoon couldn't say no so he gave in. "thanks, hoon. i'm gonna catch up with a friend"

"yuck! we all know your gonna see jiuen!" sunoo shouted back to gen who ran off the field.

sunghoon kept glancing at jake while they cleaned up, "you could really be a model, sunghoon hyung!"

sunghoon was taken aback by the sunoo's sudden compliment, "i'm handsome, aren't i?" he flashed a dashing smile sunoo's way.

"i'm done!" ni-ki came running toward sunoo, the field was spotless, no litter anywhere. ni-ki smiled died down when he saw sunoo laughing with sunghoon and jake.

"i guess i'll throw this away then" ni-ki mumbled as if sunoo would hear him but he didn't. ni-ki looked up making eye contact with jungwon, peeling his eyes away immediately.

"so what was your friend saying something about you warming up to, hee?" sunghoon's eyes flashed to jake.

the one question jake wanted to avoid sunghoon of all people asked again. jake didn't care though because one look into sunghoon's eyes and he was lost.

jake's words got stuck in his throat for a second, just a second he felt a different kind of butterflies in his tummy. not the kind he got when heeseung kissed him or when he would wrap his arms around jake's hips holding him in place...no this time it was a fleeting feeling.

"umm" jake forgot what sunghoon said, honestly too captivated, he could say he got lost in his eyes.

sunoo noticed this, "sunghoon hyung!" he shook the taller, blinking away the tears forming in his eyes.

jake looked away at sunoo's outburst going back to cleaning up, so did sunghoon, except one's heart was racing and the other was a blushing mess.

"park sunghoon!" heeseung shouted loudly from across the field. jake rolled his eyes. heeseung always loved ruining his day.

"wassup jakey?" heeseung looked like someone just shitted in his cereal, pushing himself between sunghoon and jake.

"leave me alone, lee" jake elbowed him but the jock didn't move on inch, pulling jake closer to him by his arm

sunghoon finished, putting the broom down and excused himself, walking off the field.

heeseung smirked, walking behind jake. the shorter not noticing, his eyes focussed on sunghoon.

the jock placed his hands on jake's hip, bringing his lips to the shell of the boy's ear startling him.

"hee–" jake sqeaked out, shutting up when heeseung's fingers dug into his waist trying not to draw his friend's attention.


heeseung whispered, breath wavering at each word

"could never-"

jake felt the heat going straight to his pants, trying his best not to make any sounds in front of his goddamn friends

"-fuck you like i can, jakey"

jake knew deep down heeseung was right.


"mmm-nghhh" jake bit into the cotton material of his sweater when heeseung bit down on a soft spot between his thighs.

the olded smiled against the flesh, abusing the sensitive spot, leaving jake a mess.

jake's dorm was now heeseung's go to spot whenever he 'needed' jake in between classes.

now here they were, both having a class in the 10 minutes.

heeseung didn't touched jake for the entire day and it drove both him and jake crazy.

the little jealousy act with sunghoon resulted in them ending up on jake's jake's bed, legs spread open while heeseung sucked on the soft skin like candy.

"heeseung-mmahh- we have class- fucckk" jake cried into his sweater as the jock bit into the flesh sending sparks threw jake's body and dick.

"pretty boy" heeseubg mumbled against jake's skin. the nickname sending heat to the boy's flushed cheeks.

after a couple more bites heeseung lifted his head up, smirking lazily.

jake looked at him confused, still fucked out a little.

the boy couldn't question heeseung before he was crawling his way over jake.

jake who sat ul against the headboard, locked eyes with the blonde, sinking down into the bed with every move heeseung made until jake was underneath him.

"look at you" heeseung started "ready to get dicked down anytime"

jake shoved heeseung aside, sitting upright.

only a sound came out the boy's mouth when he saw the mark left between his thighs.

"lee fucking heeseung!" jake grabbed his pillow, chasing the said boy around his dorm.

heeseung was fast despite being confined to the small room.

jake grew tired abd lay himself on sunoo's bed.

heeseung jumped off jake's bed he previously standed on going to jake's side.

leaning down a little he smiled, "can't blame me babe, they're soo yummy" heeseung rasped out, licking his lips earning a smack on the head.

before he left, heeseung placed a chaste kiss on jake's lips.

the blonde-haired boy left after that as if it was something he was used to doing.

jake felt them again...those damn butterflies swarming in his stomach.

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