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jake and heeseung both stopped off at different spots to meet their parents. neither of them wanted this right now.

"heeseung! my son!" his father engulfed him in a hug when he walked through the doors of the mansion.

confused, heeseung shoved him off, glaring at him, then his eyes fell to the same woman standing beside his father.

anger rose in his blood again but heeseung paused when his pupils landed on the shiny diamond on her finger.

"son, you want something to eat?"

heeseung scoffed, "you're fucking insane if you're going to marry her!" he shouted. the fake smile on his father's face was replaced with his usual cold and heartless demeanour.

"atleast i tried" he mumbled to himself, half expecting heeseung to hear it. but he didn't say anything, instead his eyes welled up with hot tears.

"mom wanted that! that ring! you! that love you give this whore of a woman!"

"heeseung!" his father shouted, warning him.

"that's why you called me here? to show up as a puppet to your sickening marriage and pretend our life is so perfect infront of everyone?"

mr.lee turned his head away in arrogance not caring to report back. the woman approached heeseung, holding his arm.

"please don't arg-"

heeseung shoved her arm away harshly, making her fall back a couple steps. mr.lee rushing forward to stop her from falling.

this irritated heeseung more, "so now you care about someone's safety? how ironic for a murd-"


a stinging slap met heeseung's pale skin, spiking crimson red at the immediate contact. mr. lee eyes were bulging out with rage.

"you fucking worthless heeseung! how many times do i say this? nevertheless my blood is running through your veins so i suggest you think twice" mr.lee smirked "you're no better than me heeseung you're my son and you'll be nothing short of who i am"

"in my fucking grave" heeseung cursed "never will i marry someone who loved me and then leave them to die"

heeseung's father's expression didn't change. he didn't believe a word heeseung said and it infuriated the boy.

"if you marry her" he pointed at the woman who looked shocked out of her wits "don't ever call me your son and neither use my mother's name in your mouth"

turning to storm out of there heeseung was stopped dead in his tracks, "what an ungrateful faggot!" mr. lee was tugging at his hair harshly, brushing the roots of his scalp.

taking his phone out he shoved it in heeseung's face, "think again" he smirked pulling harder. heeseung swore he felt blood dripping down his head.

through the screen was a video of heeseung at one of his football matches kissing his boyfriend, jake.

"i always knew your mother raised a fucking faggot" heeseung cried out holding onto his father's arm as he pulled harder.

the woman shriek echoed in the room, "now..." mr. lee let go of heeseung's hair. the pain numbing his head with a hand in his hair, heeseung hands were now covered in a short streak of blood running along his palm.

"my engagement is in two weeks, the wedding is in a month. I expect you to show up or else your mother's stupid father will have these" waving the phone in the air, a playful yet sinister smile plastered on his face.

heeseung would've easily not gone because he didn't care for anyone to find out but his grandpa was one person he knew couldn't take the news. apart from battling a deadly heart disease, he was super religious so naturally heeseung didn't bother to mention it with him.

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