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of all the places jake could've been right now, he found himself on heeseung's sofa.

with sunghoon and jay ofcourse.

jay invited him over. more like begged him to help him and sunghoon with some math assignment they had.

heeseung was obviously pissed because his friends quoted 'jake is smarter'.

"then you carry the entire equation over and multiply" jake finished. jay and sunghoon's mouth dropped in shock.

"uh jake" jay meekly spoke "can you explain one more time, pretty please?" jay tried giving him puppy eyes. jake was more disturbed that swooned. he felt sorry for jungwon but agreed.

a moment after, heeseung groaned loudly. the taller male sat on the same sofa with jake while jay and sunghoon were on opposite sides.

"if he's so smart then you two idiots should understand" heeseung commented.

"fine!" jake's blood boiled at how arrogant heeseung could be, "you do it" he threw the paper and pen at him leaning back casually on the sofa.

him and heeseung were both majors in engineering but jake knew someone with that much pride could never tutor anyone.

a couple minutes passed, heeseung scratched his head trying to figure out what to do.

jake looked over, smirking. he was right as always.

heeseung felt his stare, glaring back at jake who pretended to scroll through his phone.

"dude, no offense but i think jake should explain it" sunghoon said, nervous to start another argument.

"whatever" heeseung threw the pencil on the table, leaning back into the sofa.

"um jake you hungry?" sunghoon offered. jake actually was, he came here after his classes finished he had no time for dinner.

jake nodded, hearing a scoff from heeseung "wimp"

"good! you like pizza?" sunghoon picked up his phone to order but jay quickly grabbed it.

"let's go pick it up" sunghoon looked at him weirdly but obliged nevertheless.

"well see you guys in a few, don't kill each other please. that sofa was expensive" jay warned, picking up his car keys and heading out with sunghoon.

the door shut and jake felt his stomach churning.

there was pin-drop silence. jake got bored after a few minutes. he tidied up the desk, separating the scraps and worksheet questions into a neat pile then rearranged the pencils and pens accidentally dropping one on the carpet.

bending over to pick it up, he felt a smack on his ass almost making him topple over the desk.

"fucking hell lee!" jake stood up almost immediately, turning to the boy who sat lay lazily on the sofa, feet spread apart.

he quirked a brow in amusement seeing jake's flustered state, "c'mon jakey" the nickname rolling out his mouth, "you were asking for it" his voice laced with mockery but somehow jake found it sexy.

jake stood there, pencil squeezing between his clenched palm.

heeseung found this jake amusing, "aww jakey's mad i slapped his ass?" he pouted "slap me then"

heeseung taunted the younger, turning his face to the side allowing jake to hit him.

jake was tempted too, he wanted to see that smugness rub off heeseung's face in one bloody punch.

"i dare you"

jake launched forward and pressed a bruising kiss against against heeseung's lips, surprising both himself and the blonde.

jake pulled apart trying to register what he just did while the other stared at him blankly.

jake came to his senses when he saw heeseung staring at him. he felt so embarrassed his only reflex was to cover his face but that too wasn't possible.

heeseung was quick to reach forward and grab his hands, pulling jake on top of him. the younger shrieked shutting his eyes.

nothing happened after so jake opened his eyes slowly seeing heeseung staring right at him with a lazy smirk.

jake slapped his chest, already fuming. they cannot be seen like this, "jay and sunghoon will-"

"will what, jaeyun?" heeseung's aura grew darker or at least jake felt it did. the taller male wrapped an arm around jake's waist pulling him a little closer.

jake put his hands on heeseung chest to stop himself from sitting any closer especially on his dick.

"scared sunghoon would walk in on me fucking you?"

"why do you care?"

"i don't" heeseung rolled his eyes "god, you're annoying"

"so are you now let me-" jake tried getting off but heeseung's arm tightened around his waist.

"nuh uh" heeseung clicked his tongue, hands trailing down to jake's shorts, "these damn shorts again, jaeyun?" jake looked at heeseung weirdly but was pulled into a heated kiss in a matter of seconds.

"your ass looks so good in these"

heeseung slapped them once more, this time jake didn't hate it, whimpering at the contact. the sting was actually pleasurable he found himself wanting heeseung to do it again.

jake kissed heeseung, sucking on his bottom lip, dragging it with his teeth heeseung's eyes opened looking at jake lustfully.

heeseung began kneading jake's ass, slowly. the boy let go of heeseung's lips, burying his face in heeseung's neck.

"aw puppy likes that?" heeseung teased putting more pressure on rubbing jake's behind.

"i hate you so much" jake mumbled completely wrecked when heeseung bit down on his neck, sucking on only one spot.

"the feeling is mutual, baby"

heeseung was driving jake insane, like every word that comes out his mouth just arouses the boy instead of making him mad.

while heeseung devoured his neck, jake tried doing the same. licking a spot near heeseung's adam's apple. a few licks then he started copying heeseung's actions, biting down on the exposed skin.

heeseung hissed and pushed jake away making the smaller confused, "don't fucking do that! it could leave a mark you twink!"

jake tilted his head, confused at the sudden outburst and asked, "i'm confused, you insult me for being 'gay'. you literally just kissed me, lee and i sucked your dick a couple nights ago"

"you sucked mine i didn't suck yours"

"your point is?"

"my point is jaeyun, i am not gay and will never be" heeseung was full on denying it. anyone with common sense would know this whole thing his gay as fuck.

"uh huhhh..." jake trailed off, a finger on his lips, studying heeseung, "so what do you call this?" he gestured to their position jake was literally on his lap while heeseung's hand was caressing his thigh.

heeseung stopped his actions, pushing jake off him, sending the boy falling to the floor.

"i'm not gay!" heeseung stood up, reiterating his point once more to jake who fell on his ass.

jake wanted to laugh at heeseung when the said boy walked off and his friend walked in.

"pizza is he-" sunghoon went dead silent seeing jake on the floor and heeseung slamming jay's bedroom door shut.

"y'all fought didn't you?" jay asked not surprised, putting the pizza in the kitchen while sunghoon helped jake up.

"he's moody, don't worry about him"

jake thanked sunghoon, who gave him a smile that made jake feel like everything was alright, forgetting for a moment who he even made out with a second ago.


a/n: made a playlist for this ff so to those who are already reading so sorry but here:


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