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"ahhh the beach is soo nice" sunoo ran out the van and straight to the ocean when they stopped.

"great one less person to help me" gen sighed hopping out the van as well. they arrived midday and had until the evening to spend here.

"uhh jungwon we have that thing to do right?" jay nudged jungwon's shoulder.

"uhh yeahh sorry gen" they both took their towels and followed sunoo. gen rolled her eyes looking at niki and sunghoon who walked off without acknowledging her.

"i'll help" heeseung offered leaving his lover sleeping in the van. unpacking their things and setting up a couple chairs an unfamiliar girl showed up next to heeseung.

"uhh hi" she waved awkwardly. gen looked on from a few feet away "um my friend thinks you're handsome and she wanted to know if we can hang out with you guys"

"sorry, i'm actually into australians" heeseung said in the most nonchalant tone he had. a snort left gen's mouth.

"really?" her eyes lit up "my friend is aussie too! perfect! i'll go get her" heeseung mentally cried to himself.

he meant jake fucking sim jaeyun not her.

"ahhh you got yourself into that one" gen patted his shoulder, walking off to get some of her stuff form the van.

the two girls came over a few minutes later, heeseung tried walking away but the one you 'liked' him pulled him back.

now he was sitting in a chair zoning out as the two chattered how they got here and some other boring stuff.

"oppa!" the girls, who's name heeseung can't remember "you're not listening" she pouted standing up and throwing herself on heeseung's lap.

gen opened her mouth to talk but the bitch of a girl cut her off "as i was saying, i got two puppies and..."

heeseung trailed off again the thought of puppies reminded him of his own boyfriend who was still sleeping.

"jakey!" gen called waving at someone. heeseung wasted no time and pushed the girl off him sending her falling into the sand.

jake walked over to heeseung who tried reaching in for a kiss but jake questioned him again, "who's that?"

stil sleeping jake yawned, heeseung cooed at jake's cuteness wanting to pinch him and cuddle him up in his arms.

"no one, now come here" heeseung extended his arms but the girl stood up huffing out.

"i was here first!"

heeseung rolled his eyes, "i don't like you anyway" and boy did he regret saying that. the girl elt out an annoying shriek.

"girl shut up!" gen intervened "he was here first, actually he was here way before you were even born so shut up and stop throwing yourself on other people's boyfriends"

the girl and her friend opened their mouths to talk back but ended up in silence. walking off in embarrassment heeseung high fived gen thanking her for that.

atleast he was happy, jake turned around and walked back to the van. gen looked worried but heeseung just told her that he'll handle it.

"baby" heeseung called after jake, running up to meet him. jake continued walking and he was sure jake was mad again but he didn't want to fight with him.

"jakey" heeseung caught up, grabbing jake's arm to stop him before he entered the van. jake turned to meet heeseung eyes.

"it wasn't anything i promise. you know i only have eyes for you. please please don't be mad" heeseung held ajke's hands in his, rambling out a string of apologies.

jake didn't say anything, looking up at heeseung blankly, "i swear i really didn't lead her on you can ask-"

jake shut him up with a kiss, his arms locking behind heeseung's head pulling them closer. it was then heeseung realized that jake was hard. pressing up against heeseung leg.

heeseung pulled away, looking at a now shy jake trying to hide his face in heeseung's neck. the older found it so cute.

"need any help baby?" jake nodded in heeseung's chest not showing any signs of moving. the latter took the initiative to circled his arms around jake thighs lifting him and and throwing him on one of the camper seats.

the rest is histroy.........

"okayy who did it in the van?" niki came to the group who were just chilling and talking "i'm too innocent for this" he cried out.

jake and heeseung exchanged knowing looks to each other which sunghoon and jay noticed, "you two are nasty" jay commented making a gagging noise.

jake and heeseung were forced to sit on the same two seater they fucked in until they found a hotel.

"sitting here is making me horny" heeseung crawled his fingers up jake's thigh, the younger swatting it away.

"not now"

"yeah heeseung wait until the rest of us are safe and away from you two" niki added.

at the hotel, they booked four rooms because gen wanted to have her own room. niki, sunoo and sunghoon decided to share a room leaving the obvious pairs to sort out the rest.

heeseung pushed jake in the room closing the door behind them putting jake up against it.

"heeseung wai-"

heeseung started attacking jake's neck with kisses that led to open mouth sucking jake squirmed in his hold trying to wriggle himself out of the pleasure.

hands travelling under jake's thin shirt that annoyed heeseung the entire drive here. opening ever so slightly to reveal jake's chest, exposing his sinful collarbones and his nippled imprinted through the material.

"hyung pleasee stop" heeseung sighed stopping his actions and looking down at his lover.

"let's shower first?" jake's puppy eyes were hard to resist and heeseung listened.

"you're so cute" he pinched jake's cheeks, slapping the other when jake walked past him.


a/n: lazy chapter i'm sorry guys

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