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play your saddest song in your playlist. i'll just put one i recommend for this chapter. enjoy <3


the next morning, heeseung woke up feeling his body sore from his encounter with his father yesterday.

turning around, he stretched his arms, the thought of his boyfriend sleeping on his chest last night was enough to bring a lazy smile on his face.

raising his arm over to hug jake it ended up laying flat on the bed. opening his eyes, heeseung saw the space next to him empty.

now he wondered if last night was a dream. getting off the bed he ran into the kitchen, living room, bathroom looking for jake but he wasn't there.

heeseung went to his room, took his phone and tried calling him but his number was blocked. heeseung's heart sank in his chest.

jake blocked him and left? but they were fine yesterday....too fine actually. something was up. heeseung went into jay's room without knocking on the door.

he found jay drying his wet hair, "have you seen–"

"jake?" jay finished his question and then nodded in denial. heeseung threw himself on the bed.

falling asleep last night he thought of so many things he and jake could do today. they were due for a much needed date and heeseung was too excited for it but now he's gone again and heeseung doesn't know where.

jay looked over to heeseung distraught, feeling guilty so he spoke up, "look i'm not supposed to say this but he's leaving for australia today?"

heeseung didn't know what he expected jay to say but it was definitely not that. was jake moving away? leaving him again?

heeseung stood on his feet, leaving jay's room and shuffling through his own closet, jay followed him, "heeseung don't please! jungwon told me–"

jay was taken aback when heeseung turned to him, eyes already full of tears, some escaping as he spoke, "jay you know more than anyone how i was looking for him, waiting for him. please just let me try this time while i can"

heeseung begged his friend but didn't wait for approval, putting on a pair of jeans and a wrinkled white tee, taking the keys to jay's car and walking out the door.

jay still in his shorts, threw a shirt on, accompanying heeseung to prevent an accident from happening.

yeah well the ride wasn't as pleasant as jay hoped, especially if you never ate breakfast yet.

heeseung parked the car in a no parking zone and ran out. jay got out, standing there for a second trying not to hurl on the road.

just then someone rested a hand on his shoulder and jay almost threw up, "hyung" it was only jungwon. jay let himself relax a a little leaning up against the car.

"sorry won, heeseung's here" jay apologized, jungwon's face twisted into worry, "jake would freak if–"

"i know but he's my best friend i couldn't not tell him"

jungwon understood. he shouldn't be mad at jay but what he needed to do right now was have jake avoid heeseung.

for all he knew heeseung was frantically looking around the airport like someone who just came out of a mental hospital.

call him mean but he hoped security would escort him out the building to make things easier for them.

"jake's already there waiting for his flight so let's just hope heeseung doesn't find him in time" jungwon sighed. jay looked at jungwon's worried face and he knew that his boyfriend wanted heeseung to find jake.

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