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outside his window?

at this hour?

heeseung dragged his tired body from his bed to his window, pulling the curtains to reveal a dark figure waving up at him.

heeseung groaned loudly, pulling the curtains shut, falling flat onto his mattress.

he was never one to be scared off the paranormal so whatever that was isn't his problem.

my jakey ♡


heeseung's phone buzzed on the nightstand going completely unnoticed by the drooling body, half asleep.

my jakey deleted a message...


saturday rolled by... heeseung's friends all had dates and plans scheduled. 

"not going out this weekend?" gen looked up from her phone to meet the cold, skull face of her friend.


it was pretty much the same every weekend. heeseung would exclude himself from his friends failed attempts at getting him to 'hook up again' or find someone else.

truth be told, heeseung doesn't want to move on. many rumors' say he's purposely doing this to himself but to him, jake is someone that can't be forgotten.

jake's smile, jake's voice, jake's hair, jake's golden retriever behaviour, jake's sassiness and so many other things heeseung is stuck with.

it would be a crime to move on from such an angel.

"heeseung hyung" sunoo bit his lip nervously afraid to even ask, knowing the answer is the same every time "ni-ki and i are going to a club, his cousin owns it. you wanna c-"

"i'm fine"

sunoo sighed. gen patted his shoulder reassuringly even though it's been the nth time they have begged heeseung to have some fun again.

"jake really wouldn't want this for you"

this cut the string that was holding heeseung together for the past months. he slammed his fist against the wooden table.

with a strained voice he uttered, "jake would want me there with him, jake needs me right now but i'm stuck here against my own will so if you don't know what's good for you park, shut it"

the entire table fell silent. gen quickly excused herself and so did jay, then sunoo, ni-ki, jungwon and...

"hey i'm so-"

"just shut it" heeseung squeezed out, gripping the pencil in his hand. sunghoon excused himself leaving a teary eyed heeseung sitting at an empty table on campus.

heeseung's thoughts trailed to jake. all the suffering and the pain. the torment his devil mother put him through.

heeseung would give anything to hold jake in his arms again. run to him and shower him with love, gifts, food anything that his heart desires heeseung would get it for him.

only for his happiness.

"hey, is anyone lese sitting here?"

heeseung's thoughts were broken off by a girls' voice. not caring to look up heeseung shook his head no.

the girl placed her stuff on the table and sat down. taking out her ipad. heeseung assumed she was just studying so he paid no mind to it.

looking down at the untouched problem before him. he read the question over and over and can't wrap his head around it.

the numbers and letters were all confusing. yes, he was a top scorer but heeseung secretly struggled with math problems and jake would be his tutor.

jake would know what to do. jake should've been there with him. jake would've scolding him for finding problem with such an 'easy' question.

heeseung wasn't aware of how frustrated he look, only when the girl tapped his hand, offering to help did he then realize what a bother he was being.

"this seems very easy" she laughed. taking a seat next to heeseung. her hair short, the curls bouncing off her shoulders adorning the bright smile on her face.

she reminded heeseung of sunoo's cheery personality.

a couple minutes later she slid the paper back to heeseung with three different solutions to the problem that will all get him the same answer.

looking at it, only then heeseung realized how stupid he looked. feeling ashamed he quickly thanked her and apologized.

her eyes smiled with her, the blush on her cheeks not gong unnoticed by heeseung. 

"it's okay, read your notes carefully next time okay?" she giggled and heeseung scratched his head admitting shamelessly.

"ahaha notes? sure!"

"no! you don't take notes?" she questioned in a playful disbelief.

"not really. i-" heeseung paused before speaking again "my tutor quit" he lied.

"your tutor was jake sim?" she said with ease, noticing how heeseung's smile faded with the mention of his mysterious tutor.

"uh yea"

"oh my gosh! you are heeseung! and jake! you two were the couple on campus!"

"i guess"

the girl bit her lip, sensing the awkwardness of the conversation but her curious nature could not be hidden.

"break up huh?"

heeseung nodded. the air feeling tighter and more suffocating. heeseung felt the weight lifting off his shoulder just minutes ago but now its back.

"well if you want to thank me for those answers, join me for a milkshake later?"

she offered trying to console the boy who was looking pitiful right now.

heeseung's instinct was to oppose her offer but his friends always nagged that he stopped enjoying life anymore.

jake wouldn't mind if heeseung enjoyed life a little.


"perfect!" she jumped up, going round the table "let me just finish my thesis and we will go"

heeseung smiled and focused on the worked problem before him. Learning each method and attempting new questions of similar structure for practice. 

his new friend gave him some practice questions as well and with ease, heeseung got them right.

maybe this wasn't as bad as heeseung thought it was.


a/n: i'm back! (won't go mia on you guys this time)

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