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a/n: not proof read :/


"heeseung, stop that" jake sprinted from the kitchen into the living room to stop heeseung from getting off his chair.

"it's three weeks. i'm practically healed"

"you said that yesterday too when you almost fell down the stairs" jake pushed heeseung down by his shoulders.

"not my fault some kid almost pushed me," heeseung defended himself. jake sighed, heading back into the kitchen.

three weeks he's been doing this. making heeseung's breakfast, lunch and dinner. doing his laundry, taking him to class.

his friends all knew what happened and didn't mention anything of it. jake was thankful that he couldn't really explain exactly who heeseung was to him.

"get dressed quickly. you have that doctor's appointment today" jake shouted from the kitchen.

jake put together a quick sandwich for himself. he had been going back and forth between uni and heeseung so food was all he needed right now.

looking greedily at it, jake opened his mouth ready to devour it however his mouth watering fantasy was thrown out of hands literally, that was when heeseung smacked his ass, sending his sandwich into pieces again.

turning around jake glared at heeseung who innocently smiled at him, "your ass was looking at me i had too. blame him not me"

jake so wanted to punch heeseung, if only he wasn't in a wheelchair right now.

ignoring him jake looked at the time on his watch, smiling that he had at least two minutes to whip up another sandwich.

but again, heeseung started tugging on his shorts, pulling jake on his lap, his arms caging jake in his hold.

"heeseung" jake calls out, trying to wiggle his way out of heeseung's hold. naturally he would fight back until he got out but the feeling of something poking his ass stopped him.

"stop moving" heeseung groaned, jake panicked, taking the opportunity to get free of heeseung's grip.

heeseung only looked at jake, the obvious boner in his pants.

"uhh let's go" jake took a hold of his wheelchair pushing it forward thanking anyone for not being able to see heeseung right now.

at the doctor's, heeseung abruptly stood up the minute she walked in.

"well well mr. lee you seem fine" she commented, jake rolling his eyes knowing heeseung too well.

"i am. so you can take this off"

"doc, don't listen to him too much. he-"

"he's right" she agreed, earning a 'ha' from heeseung, "mr. lee supposed to be back on his feet but let me run some tests and exercises first ok?" heeseung nodded like a puppy waiting for his treat.

an hour or two later, the doctor came out, "so jake. heeseung is..." she paused, jake dreaded the worst. he prepared to scold heeseung all the way home for acting childish and not taking care of himself properly "...good"


"we took off the casts. his arms and legs are surprisingly in tip top shape" she widened her eyes reading her analysis.

jake sighed, finally he was free.

"just make sure he takes his medications on time, okay?" jake nodded, waiting at the reception desk for heeseung's prescription.

"babyyyy" jake felt a pair of large arms wrap around him "i'm free" he placed a kissed on jake's neck.

the nurse looked at them awkwardly, "y'know" heeseung turned to talk to the nurse "my wifey here took care of me for three whole weeks"

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