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almost midnight and there was heeseung, sitting on the living room couch, one leg crossed over another.

jake never came back to the apartment after their fight earlier. heeseung couldn’t even begin to think where he was—going livid at the image of jake with sunghoon.

tempted to leave the apartment only to search for his boyfriend then passing it off as he was worried, which he was.

heeseung decided not to. after all jake is his own person. heeseung noticed the more he spent time with jake, that the boy was very affectionate to those dear to him but sunghoon shouldn’t be that close to jake. emotionally.

heeseung felt like a teenager checking his phone every second hoping a message, call or something from jake would appear from his screen but nothing showed.


heeseung pressed on jay’s contact, calling him up. to his surprise jay answered after the first ring, voice groggy and sleepy.

“didn’t mean to wake you but i need a favor bud” heeseung said, tapping anxiously on the couch rest. jay ended the call after heeseung spoke, ringing up a couple minutes later.

“he’s not at his dorm” jay yawned. heeseung grew irritated by the second, “i’m sorry, man. it’s only so much jungwon knows”

heeseung mumbled a quick thanks, ending the call, clicking on jake’s contact and rang it again for the millionth time.

straight to voicemail, heeseung threw his phone at the door, cracking it completely. head in his hands, heeseung’s feelings felt like they were eating his insides, tugging at his heart strings trying to burst.

exhausted as fuck, heeseung fell asleep where he sat. a shower was the last thing on his mind along with food.

drifting off to the craziest possibilities of jake’s whereabouts. heeseung was scared, scared to lose jake yet again even if it was to someone else heeseung couldn’t live with himself.

the next morning, heeseung woke up pretty early. he was suddenly hit with a wave of panic, getting off his chair and walking around his apartment like a crazy man shouting, “jake! baby”

no answer, heeseung looked inside jay’s empty room, spotting jake fixing his hair by the mirror.

heeseung let out a huge sigh of relief, going to hug his boyfriend, “jakey i thought you weren’t coming back” heeseung snuggled himself into jake’s sweater, inhaling his sweet vanilla scent.

jake, however, left heeseung’s words unanswered allowing the older one to hug him while he put on his accessories.

“babe? hello?” heeseung called out, waving his hand over jake’s face to get his attention. seeing as it was useless heeseung spun jake around, looking down at the smaller.

“are you mad at me or something?” heeseung asked, confused, holding onto jake’s shoulder’s in case he decided to run away.

“you punched your goddamn friend in the face yesterday, heeseung. ofcourse i’m mad”

heeseung scoffed. jake was really upset about that even after everything heeseung went through last night.

“so it’s all about him huh?”

“yes” heeseung tried his best not to argue with jake, deciding to leave the hole topic as it is and trust jake, “let’s leave it here then”

“no!” jake retorted, heesueng looking stunned for a second, “you’re just going to drop the fact that you used me to get first place?”

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