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heeseung was called home by his father that evening. dreading evening stepping foot there heeseung decided to go.

jake was busy with some group projects and heeseung walked around the apartment with nothing to do except stare at his father's text message from yesterday.

the maids greeted heeseung, the boy heading to the living room area where he found his father with the same woman snuggled up in his arms.

"you got to be fucking be kidding me" heeseung confronted them, standing in the way of the movie they watched.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?" heeseung's father answered, removing his hand from around the woman.

"so you can have time to fuck her while my mother just wanted your kindness?" heeseung went ballistic, hating that his father could move on and give the love his mother grieved for to another woman.

mr. lee helped his woman up, whispering something to her and she left. when she did mr.lee threw a hard punch into heeseung's face.

heeseung fell to the floor from the impact, touching the area that stung terribly.

"you come in my house and disrespect my guests" a kick planted into heeseung's stomach after the sentence ended.

"s-she's not your guest" heeseung hisses in pain, still not letting his father be the ass that he is.

"and so what if she's not"

"mom died because of you!"

"jesus christ, heeseung! shut up! she's fucking dead" his father's beatings were harsh but his words cut through heeseung like a knife. slicing into him slowly.

"because of you" heeseung shouted out, his voice breaking at each word. another kick in his stomach, coughing helplessly, heeseung tried to move away.

"pathetic! she wanted you, i didn't heeseung. your fucking life was a mistake" mr. lee walked closer to his son. heeseung found himself trapped near the wall, stopping him from going back any further.

"you're kidding! you're my father! not even a piece of your heart still cares for me?" heeseung grew soft. at the back of his mind he always thought his father would still care for him, after all it's his own child.

laughing menacingly, mr. lee leaned down to meet heeseung eyes. something sinister and unforgiving masking them. heeseung felt repulsed that this monster was even his father.

"i raped her, heeseung. your existence started off a mistake" heeseung stopped breathing. he didn't know what to feel.

angry? that his father raped his mother or hurt? that his mother may not have wanted him in the first place.

"aww you're crying?" mr. lee's voice wasn't filled with pity or sorrow, "heeseung my child, you were never wanted. your stupid mother insisted on keeping you so she won't look like a murderer to her entire family"

"n-not true" heeseung cried, "mom loved me"

"she did, eventually. she had no choice, heeseung. i pity her for that but now i wish she took your life too. you're a fucking pain in my ass"

mr. lee stood back up, kicking heeseung one more time for good measure, then signaling the bodyguards to take him out.

heeseung was left on the roadside, sitting there with a bruised face and dried blood stain from his lips.

it was cold, the chilly breeze not helping the physical pain heeseung endured right now neither did it emotionally.

his father raped his mother, got her pregnant and still treated her like she was nothing. heeseung was aware his father was with his mother for money but he was ruthless, showing no compassion to her.

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