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jake wanted to throw himself off nam san tower right now. jungwon and sunoo couldn't wait to spill jake's 'news' to gen who was now freaking out.

"jake and who? heeseung as in the jock, narcissitic, egotistical captain that we all know?!" she gestured all her friends, eyes widen in pure shock.

if anyone hated heeseung like jake did, it was gen especially after that comment he made about 'girls can't play sports'.

gen inhaled, closing her eyes for a minute then exhaled. looking at jake who chewed on the skin of his nail.

"jakeyy" she called out, jake looking up at her terrified at what she would say, "why?" she gave him a pitiful look.

"oh and did you hear? sunghoon didn't know either" niki butted in, remembering walking in on sunghoon on the floor.

"niki" sunoo looked over to him. niki eagerly locked eyes with sunoo, "shut up, please" he begged in frustration.

his friends were freaking out, except jungwon. heeseung doesn't know jake's lie. sunghoon knows and oh god jake just knows he would tell heeseung.

jake excused himself, mustering up the courage, walking all the way to the court to find heeseung.

he would explain everything, apologize and that's it nothing more.

"lee!" jake shouted as he entered the court, a few girls turned to him, the heads of members of the team turned in direction.

jake locked eyes with heeseung, desperation was all jake could feel right now praying sunghoon didn't say anything yet.

jake walked up to him as everyone packed up following heeseung's orders, "sim, i'm in the middle of a game"

"i'm sorry" jake ignored heeseung, spitting out the apology, his eyes shut tightly head face down ashamed to even look into the older's eyes right now.

heeseung on the other hand became so confused by jake's sudden apology. was he apologizing for all the times they shared making out?

"don't be sorry about–"

"no! i have too! it was stupid of me. i didn't mean to even do it in the first place"

what was he talking about? heeseung asked himself, his hearing heightened at a few giggles coming from a group of girls.

"jake it's really okay" heeseung placed his hands on jake's shoulder but the boy squeezed heeseung's wrists tight.

jake opened his eyes, still avoiding contact with heeseung, "you're not mad?"

why would he be mad about kissing? unless...

"no. but wait..."

jake's eyes met heeseung's and the older stopped his train of thought for a second, "um..."

"thank you for not being mad at me but i truly regret it"


heeseung felt a sharp pain in his chest. did jake regret all those kisses they shared? was he a bad kisser?

"what?" heeseung panicked holding onto jake's wrist now, "am i that bad?"

jake's worried look in his eyes grew into confusion, "huh?" heeseung pulled jake off the court into their changing room that thankfully was empty.

"am i that bad of a kisser, jake?" heeseung asked after making sure the showers were empty. jake's look grew into more confusion.

"kisser? what, no i mean i regret telling everyone we're together!" jake blurted out, shocking heeseung to the core.

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