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"niki move your foot!"

sunoo pushed niki's feet off the seat next to him.

"i will if you're sitting here"  niki winked. sunoo let out an audible groan.

"you know sun. you should give in to his flirting" gen opened the back of the van, putting a couple more bags.

"not looking for my heart to shatter so no thanks"

"i won't dare to break your heart" niki let out.

"hate to say this but..." gen sighed hands resting on her hips "pining over sunghoon is worse"

"sunghoon? i'm over him" sunoo confessed shocking both niki and gen.

"since when?"

since i saw the state he had heeseung in. is what sunoo wished he said but he couldn't.

"since unrequited love is not my thing." niki happily slung his arm around sunoo's shoulder.

"finally! now think of this trip as our first date the honeymoon can wait"

gen laughed and sunoo pushed himself off niki not fighting the smile at the corner of his lips.

gen left to call everyone out. they all arrived early in the morning to gen's. her father had one of those camper vans so she got it for the trip.

"jake! heeseung! sungh- oh hi" sunghoon startled gen appearing in the kitchen out of nowhere.

"umm the bags are already in. we're leaving in five" sunghoon nodded cutting up some apples for himself.

gen proceeded to look for jake and heeseung praying those two didn't fall asleep.

"jakey! we're leavingg" walking up the staircase gen heard two loud voices coming form the guest room.

curious as she was, got closer to listen in.

"you're fucking kidding me!"

"who the fuck is kidding me? and i'm not fucking no one! except you ofcourse"

"you're not funny, heeseung"  jake unamused, stuffing his clothes into his bag.

"neither you. but i bet you think sunghoon's funny huh? laughing all morning with him but with me you're so fucking moody"

"maybe because your always saying stupid shit to get me annoyed!" jake shouted. gen flinched behind the door.

"pretty sure the stupid shit i say isn't stupid, jake. do i look dumb to you?"

"maybe" jake mumbled under his breath.

"i'm not the one who didn't get f-"

"OKAYYYY" gen opened the door stopping their argument  "you two aren't sitting next to each other for starters. the van is ready so get your asses downstairs please"

gen walked out, sighing. these two won't stop arguing.

"okayyy lets get this thing started!" gen sat in the driver's seat with heeseung accompanying her.

jake sat next to niki and sunoo sat on the single seat opposite sunghoon in a double seater.

"where's jay and won?" sunoo asked.

"gotta pick them up. jay wouldn't get out of the bed this morning"

they stopped at jungwon's place. a sleepy jay rubbing his eyes and jungwon struggling to hold all the bags.

jay took the seat next to sunghoon and jungwon was about to squeeze in the front with heeseung but sunoo stopped him.

offering to sit infront and let jungwon sit at thr back.

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