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☆heeseung's version of things ☆

"second place is for losers"

heeseung, sunghoon and jay walked into the locker room, drenched in sweat. semester results were at the end of the day that was all anyone was talking about right now.

some members of the team even placed a bet on who would be the top scorer. most went to jake ofcourse with few having faith in heeseung.

it bothered him that no one thinks he can surpass jake in academic., he was already their uni's best athlete when senior jeon jungkook left.

"no offense, seung but that spot looks promising for jake" sunghoon was like this every results day. taking jake's side and turning out to be right in the end.

"dude you better shut up or it will happen" heeseung pointed a warning finger at him. they cleaned up heading to an open area to get some work done.

"look there's jungwon" jay pointed over to the dark haired boy sitting with his friends. heeseung quickly turned away but was caught by sunghoon.

"where you going?" sunghoon asked, he knew heeseung hated jake's guts "you loathe him so much you can't go near him?"

"something like that" heeseung mumbled scratching his head.

"there's an empty seat right there" jay pointed to a spot a few benches behind jake and his friends.

"don't look now but jungwon is eye fucking you" sunghoon whispered to jay, who snapped his head in jungwon's direction locking eyes with the boy.

heeseung sighed, he can't avoid the boy so might as well get it over with. taking a deep breath you casually walked up to their table.

"yo sim!"

heeseung noticed jake putting his head down, trying to hide his face.

"gawking at my buddy? hm?" heeseung provoked, jake denying it, "hmm i wonder...you gay?" heeseung's question was more personal than a mere remark to bully the boy.

"very funny. lee"

oh fuck. what does that mean?

jake's answer confused heeseung so he just continued the conversation mindlessly.

"it makes sense if you put thought to it" ignoring jake's words to shut up, heeseung spoke again

"those tight shorts you often wear really makes your ass pop" his lips smacking together to make a 'pop' sound then laughing at his own joke

the warmness of jake's eyes replaced with nothing but hate, looking into heeseung's eyes.

"i mean look at yourself sim you were practically born a twink" heeseung winced when someone wringed his ear.

"owww who-" it was sunoo. don't be fooled by his cute face, sunoo was deadly. after putting heeseung in his placed, the latter was dragged away by his friend.

sitting at their table sunghoon glared at him, "y'know you can just leave jake alone"

jay choked on his own spit, heeseung patting his back, "hoon, you're so funny" jay coughed out each word.

he knew more than anyone else heeseung couldn't go a day without seeing the boy.

the next day, after practice heeseung headed over to the cafeteria with his friends. he spotted jake sitting with a woman who looks like his mom and gen.

heeseung initially thought they were plotting against him after he got the first place yesterday but after eavesdropping on their conversation he thought otherwise.

heeseung tuned out his friends nonsense talking, eyes piercing at jake, hiding behind his damp hair.

jake picked up a spoon, his eyes looking teary like he was about to cry. heeseung's fists clenched around his spoon, looking at his mom argue with teary eyed boy.

that feeling was gone when jake moved his spoon to his lips, letting it hang on his bottom lip then slipping it in his mouth sucking off whatever was on it.

heeseung's heart no longer yearned but throbbed erratically against his chest, forcing him to peel his eyes away from jake. blinking away the lust that clouded his vision.

god jaeyun-ah, don't do this to me.

heeseung swept his hair back with one hand to let out some of the built up frustration, looking back at their table jake's seat was empty when he spotted his figure disappearing into the restroom.

heeseung eager to talk to the boy, followed him.

whenever he saw jake, he was always with one of his pesky friends. he never spoke to him alone so this opportunity was gold in heeseung's eyes.

walking in, heeseung heard someone crying. his chest felt heavy once again, the cries were loud and each broken sob made heeseung contemplate his next movement.

heeseung stood behind jake, the boy's face buried in his hands, hunched over the dirty sink. heeseung reach out his hand to pat jake's back but withdrew it immediately.


jake looked up, hands clutching his chest, "jesus, lee" jake spun around eyes meeting looking up at heeseung's.

jake's eyes were red so were his cheeks that were still stained with water droplets. jake noticed heeseung staring, wiping away his tears as if they weren't there.

"were you crying?" jake's eyes widened. heeseung's hands stuck to his sides, wanting to move them and comfort jake but the shorter boy hated him.

jake denied, trying to push his way past heeseung but the taller held his arm not letting jake go anywhere.

the confused look heeseung received made him regret holding jake back but he couldn't. the more heeseung studied jake's facial features the more he found himself looking down at jake's pretty lips.

heeseung bit his lips, his fingers wrinkling the material of jake's sweater. heeseung knew he would lose his mind if he kept looking at jake but the boy didn't say anything, looking down.

heeseung's vision clouded every few seconds, he couldn't look at jake's features anymore and boy was he thankful because god knows what he'll do if jake's looks....and that's what the smaller did.

his eyes fluttered up to meet heeseung, the older's eyes flashed from jake's to his lips in a mere second.

"lee did you just-" losing all his self control, heeseung connected their lips. all the tense vernes in the older's body relaxing at that one touch.

it didn't last long before heeseung felt himself being pushed his back meeting the wall. groaning at the pain.

"what the hell! why did you- someone could've seen!" heeseung paid no attention to jake's blabbering. the pain in his back was gone in a minute, the jock's attention turned back to jake realizing he just kissed him.

heeseung walked towards the boy who stumbled back with every step he took.

"heeseung, look i'm not gay and you're not either, right? so-"

not thinking, heeseung trapped jake against the wall, jake's words were cut off but it filled heeseung's mind.

"no son of mine is gay!"

"if you want to be a fucking faggot then get out of my house"

"a man is born to marry a woman not the other way around"

"who said i was gay, jaeyun-ah?" heeseung mind filled with his father's insults, he wasn't gay just...experimenting a theory.

jake's bottom lip caught between his teeth, he was nervous. chewing on the soft flesh. the sight triggered something in heeseung.

"fuck-" heeseung moaned out breathily, taking the boy's lips between his for a second time.

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