20 (a completed chapter)

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an apology chapter for you guys


jake spent most of his days with sunghoon after that. they went to an ice skating rink, visited his mom every other day and even went skydiving– sunghoon chickened out last minute though.

now, jake loved spending every moment with sunghoon. he doesn't regret the moments they shared together so far, even now when sunghoon finally convinced him to go to an expensive restaurant out of seoul but...

"not hungry?" sunghoon, looked up taking a spoonful of his food into his mouth. jake didn't even notice he was staring into space until sunghoon called him.

"i'm always hungry." jake smiled warmly, taking a bite from the decorated plate in front of him. the food was delicious, jake won't lie.

sunghoon smiled at jake, his sharp 'fangs' coming into jake's view. sunghoon's smile always brought a warm feeling to jake.

"you're so cute" sunghoon reached forward, taking the flesh of jake's skin between his fingers, pinching them.

"ow!" jake pouted but that only made sunghoon pinch him harder, "ow ow ow, hoon!" jake yelled out in pain then sunghoon finally let go.

"i can't help it, you're so cute!" sunghoon cooed, taking another bite from his dish. "i'm the luckiest boyfriend"


"umm sunghoon, about that–" jake flipped his spoon over and over again, suddenly nervous, "we're not–"

"i know" sunghoon's voice was soft, jake felt a wave of relief. "we're just getting to know each other. thought i'd tease you a little" sunghoon smiled again.

the rest of the evening went smoothly. sunghoon offered to pay for the bill but jake got political with the whole gender role thing so they ended up splitting the check.

"ah, fresh air" sunghoon stretched his back as they walked out of the restaurant.

"all air is fresh"

"not when i'm with you" sunghoon stopped, turning to the shorter.

maybe sunghoon was actually the sweetest person to ever exist, jake thought.

not once did he give jake a flaw to complain about. he was perfect.

"and why's that?" jake asked, expecting some cheesy, cringe, sweet line from his date.

"cause it's intoxicated" sunghoon made a gagging noise, covering his nose then bursting out into a fit of laughter when jake slapped his arm.

"that's mean," jake pouted, walking along the pavement with the grumpiest look his face could muster up.

sunghoon reached out to pinch his face but ended up getting his hand swatted away.

following behind jake, sunghoon poked him, teased him, yelled his name into the chilly air.

nothing worked. that's when jake felt two arms wrapping around his torso and a pair of lips hovering over his air.

"okay i'm not mean. sunghoon apologies"

"ew stop referring to yourself in third person" jake elbowed sunghoon in his chest.

"it's cute"

"cringey as hell, is what it is" sunghoon laughed, both still walking along the side of the road. jake struggled to walk normally when sunghoon's legs were spread apart walking like a penguin.

a couple minutes passed, the sky got darker and darker. sunghoon just finished telling jake a story about a fight he almost had with a member of their rival basketball team.

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