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sleepovers are meant to be fun, right? not this time. this circle's sleepover's always ended in a sugar rush or a horror movie marathon today, it was dead silent.

"sooo" sunoo played with his sweater, anxiously waiting to do something fun.

"jake!" jungwon snapped his fingers pulling the boy out from his thoughts again, "what's up with you?" inviting us then ignoring us completely"

"i'm sorry" jake quickly apologized going to the kitchen to get snacks, a worried jungwon tailing him "school" jake lied. the only thing occupying his mind right now was heeseung.

heeseung's hands, eyes– the way his lips felt against jake's, he wants it again. it's only been two days since the scene in the locker room and jake well...not a moment went by did the whole fiasco not replay itself in his head.

"mid terms are just mid terms, jake. there's always extra credit but we all know you're naturally smart" jungwon patted his friend's shoulder to comfort him.

"thanks wonnie" jake smiled at him, pouring ni-ki's favorite gummies into a bowl, "should we order in?"

"oh yes yes!" sunoo appeared from behind the door, ni-ki falling behind, "can we order sushi please?" jake shook his head, he was extremely grateful for his friends, without them uni would have killed him by now.

"let's ask gen first okay?" sunoo pouted, skipping to the living room where gen sat on her phone typing away.

"well well didn't know we got a phone addict here" jungwon teased her.

"sorry sorry" she stuffed her phone under her thigh, grabbing a bowl of snacks.

"movie marathon?" ni-ki held up the remoted. everyone cheered and it began. jake squished himself between jungwon and gen on the sofa while sunoo lay his head on niki's lap on the carpet.


"foods here!" sunoo shot up "won, please go get it" sunoo begged scared to go out. jungwon sighed and did just that.

"that was fa–" jungwon stopped seeing the delivery guy was jay. sighing jungwon took the food, shutting the door in his face until the doorbell rung again...and again.

"jungwonie the door–"

jungwon opened the door with an annoyed expression, "ehem i need my payment?" jay cleared his throat sticking his hand out.

"no delivery guy dresses like a hooker" jungwon commented on jay's attire, specifically his ripped jeans and buttoned down shirt.

"fine! you caught me" jay put his hands up, surrendering, "party?" he questioned trying to peak in but jungwon adjusted the door.

"no, leave please" jungwon plastered a smile on his face, seemingly fake to anyone.

"lemme atleast get yo–"

jungwon shut the door and walked back to the living room, "about time, i'm starving" niki and sunoo dug in first.

a couple hours later, they were all still wide awake. gen however was the only person not paying attention.

jake peaked over to get a glimpse of who she was texting, 'freshman cutie', jieun?

gen caught jake, the boy looked away quickly pretending not to see anything. 

gen liking jieun is a bit of a shocker, jake doesn't hate it but if gen's happy then sure.

another hour went by, sunoo and niki fell asleep on the carpet, jungwon drooling on his shoulder and gen was giggling at her phone.

jake closed his eyes, ignoring the ongoing movie. images of heeseung playing in his mind. they definitely shared more than one kiss, each time jake felt a twist in his stomach.

at first he thought he was sick but now he feels giddy at the thought of returning heeseung's kisses.

it's been two days, heeseung hasn't looked in his direction nor talked to him, only one or two insults were exchanged whenever gen had practice and begged gen to stay.

jake wasn't stupid either, heeseung's actions were bizzaring to say the least then again the boy flirted with every female being that walked his way.

it's just a phase jake. heeseung is going through a phase, ignore him and everything will be fine.


"jake sim" the teacher called "see me after class" jake sighed, scribbling key points into his notepad.

heeseung snickered loudly when jake's name was called, "oh mr. ethan you find this funny? you'll see me after class as well"

sunghoon and jay tried controlling their laughter earning a tap on the head from a scowling heeseung.

jake smirked, serves him right.

class ended, jake stayed in his seat while heeseung went to the teacher, "your little game is none of my business mr. lee. you should've thought of that before you decided to play the clown of the class"

heeseung groaned, hearing a snicker come from behind him.

"oh and jake, the president of the student council is requesting another report. she loved the one you wrote last year" 

"no problem" jake gathered his things ready to leave but the voice of his teacher stopped him, "let mr.lee assist you on this one, maybe it will teach him some manners" 

heeseung rolled his eyes and walked out, spitefully brushing his shoulder with jake who ran after him.

"heeseung wait!" jake ran through the hallways. running out of breath and energy jake bumped into someone causing him to fall on the floor.

heeseung stopped and turned to see jake just sitting there, going to help him up but someone beat him to it.

"are you okay?" 

"i'm fine, sunghoon–ssi" jake took the arm extended to him. sunghoon was sweet unlike his friend.

jake's mood went down again at thought of heeseung, "is everything okay? wanna grab a smoothie to clear your head?"

jake nodded but was interrupted when heeseung stood between them, "sorry, hoon jake and i have an assignment to work on" heeseung held jake by the arm, careful not to hurt him this time.

"oh sorry " sunghoon apologized "maybe another time" sunghoon gave jake a charming smile hen walked off.

jake wanted to scream and tell him to stay but what use was it? he always listened to heeseung hyung.


"how on earth did you pass english?"  jake argued with the blonde haired who seemed uninterested.

heeseung didn't answer him. he hasn't said a word to him after he pulled him away from sunghoon earlier.

"i should've gone with sunghoon-ssi" heeseung turned to look at jake, eyes meeting and jake felt his heart skip a beat.

"sunghoon? you wanna drink smoothies, jaeyun?" heeseung asked, taunting jake. without an answer heeseung got up and left.

jake sighed, heeseung would obviously try to get away from him and doing anything with him. at least now he can focus.

thirty minutes went by when jake was startled when a smoothie cup was placed in front of him.

he looked up and saw heeseung there with another one in his hand. confused jake tried questioning heeseung but the jock pushed the drink closer to jake.

"mango flavored, drink"


i loved you once, now i found myself loving you again with the same feeling just different beginnings.

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