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SNU's basketball team completed three games without their captain. gen was selected as replacement for the older but at some point she realized her strategic planning wasn't as good as heeseung's.

losing every single game they played so far, the team was devastated, ringing up heeseung's phone on end.

said boy however couldn't care where he left his phone, snuggling on jake's lap as they watched the avengers movies in order.

halfway through the final one, heeseung's snoring echoed through the small space. jake paused the movie, eyes falling on heeseung wondering how on earth heeseung still looks so ethereal even when sleeping.

but heeseung loves him and so does jake.

hypnotized by his hyung's features, jake leaned in kissing heeseung's unusually soft lips. the feeling woke the older up, blinking a couple times before yawning out.

fully opening his eyes, he saw jake looking at the bookshelf, "who's there" confused as hell heeseung sat up, looking to where jake's looking. it wasn't until heeseung looked at him did he burst into a smile.

"why are you blushing?" heeseung asked, holding in a laughter at the sudden blush spreading on his jake's face.

"yah! don't laugh at me" jake curled his fingers into balls, lightly punching heeseung with them.

heeseung cooed at jake's cuteness. looking to the other side, jake shut his eyes because of heeseung's constant teasing.

"you're so cute," heeseung said, turning jake back around with his hand, pinching the flesh of his face and squishing it.


heeseung laughed when jake huffed out, jutting out his bottom lip only making him look more adorable in heeseung's eyes.

finally giving in, heeseung let go, resting his head on jake's shoulder. eager to keep jae as close to him hee grabbed jake's hand, locking their fingers together.

"hyung's sleepy" heeseung yawned again, legs sprawled out on the sofa, the blanket that he wore discarded over jake's lap.

jake flicked his head, heeseung whining then snuggling on jake's shoulder.

"we have classes today, hee"


jake reached forward for heeseung's phone that was on the table next to them. swiping it open. surprised there wasn't a lock on it, jake opened the group chat that was filled with hundreds of messages.

"look" he shoved the phone in heeseung's face, a groan escaping his lips at the sudden brightness of the screen.

taking his phone, he scrolled through the messages.

dude, i miss heeseung we lots our first fucking game.

heeseung where are you? come back to us.

this shit stinks, we never lost any of our first games, ever.

heeseung scroll further down the chat, skipping past a few messages.

another one lost, at this rate we'd lose the game before we challenge our rival uni.

we NEED heeseungg man.

no offence gen, you're great but heeseung's better.

shut up, sunghoon.

heeseung locked off his phone, jake looking at him expectantly "see. since when did you not want to help your team hm. they need you"

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