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a new day, a new set of drama jake didn't want to deal with.

last night he lost sunghoon while chasing after him. heeseung kept ringing up his phone, jake blocked him or else he won't get any sleep today.

walking to his physics class, he shared with heeseung jake thought about heeseung.

yesterday was..really something. jake couldn't even catch the last thing heeseung said to him. preoccupied worrying about sunghoon jake senses numbed in that moment.

jake was determined to look for sunghoon and explain everything. but everything sunghoon saw and said were exactly what happened.

jake rubbed away the wrinkles forming on his forehead, walking into class.

heeseung sat in jake's seat, tapping on the table. this vexed jake, walking up to heeseung, ready to curse at him.

"jakey" heeseung spun around when he felt a presence behind him. jake was shocked that no cocky remark nor lame flirting slipped out heeseung's mouth.

brushing it off, jake sat next to heeseung, "about last night..." heeseung trailed off, his voice cracking a little.

"i didn't find sunghoon" jake added, his tone laced with concern, missing the way heeseung's nervousness faded into a frown.

"he probably thinks we're fucking"

"aren't we?"

"they're only mere make outs, heeseung. nothing special"


"yes but don't you like it?" heeseung wanted to slap himself for asking such an idiotic question.

"i do but that's just it heeseung. i like it so much but it means nothing to either of us. just two horny people"


"i don't really wanna hear it" jake shushed heeseung "besides when i said sunghoon confessed to me. i actually like him"

"what?" heeseung didn't know whether to feel angry, hurt or sad when he heard jake.

"he called me pretty"

"i called you pretty"

"he kissed me"

"i kissed you. multiple times actually"

"he gave me butterflies, lee" jake said, shutting heeseung up. the only thing running through his mind was that jake felt nothing at all; it was all just lust as jake said.

now heeseung sat there, staring at an empty whiteboard wondering if jake even remembers him.

because oh boy when heeseung saw jake in freshman year, he was over the moon. it took him two years to form this little relationship with jake.

it was a fucked up move to start this whole making out thing but heeseung honestly never knew how to approach someone needless to say approach jake who he haven't seen in ages.


"sunghoon?" jay was in complete shock, sitting on heeseung's bed listening to him cry into his pillow.

"i can't blame him. park is more sweeter than me"

"oh please. you may have fucked up your first meeting with jake by being his fucking enemy but i'm sure he hasn't forgotten you...maybe he just didn't hear you" jay tried reasoning out to comfort his friend.

"haha" heeseung faked his laughter "jay, i'm pretty sure he heard me. he probably thinks i'm a crybaby now"

"i mean" jay scratched his head earning a pillow slap from heeseung, "i'm sorry but you are"

"thanks so much my beloved friend" heeseung said, sarcastically.

"look, just leave it as it is" heeseung cried out loud in agony "for now" jay finished.

"i've waited 15 years to see him again, jay. how much longer should i wait?" heeseung questioned, losing patience.

"sunghoon is your friend though so suck it up"

"suck it up my ass" heeseung threw his pillow at jay, standing up, "i'm going to make things right between me and jake"

"but sunghoon-"

"can suck my ass cause living life without jake had been hell. i may have lost my mother but i really can't lose jake, again"

heeseung took his phone, slamming the apartment door shut leaving jay there to rethink his life's decisions.

"if only i had enough courage as him to date jungwon"


after classes finished, jake went to sunghoon's faculty searching for him.

"jake?" sunoo approached him, finding jake's visit a bit strange "looking for someone?" sunoo asked, curiously.

"oh yeah sunghoon actually" jake quickly covered his mouth when he said it. sunoo seemed unfazed though, smiling at him.

"oh he'll be out in a minute. the teacher requested to see him"

"sun, i-"

"it's fine, jake. i'm sure it's really important" sunoo smiled, bidding goodbye to jake.

important as in jake wanted to date his friend's crush kind of important? then yeah.

jake stood outside, the class sunoo exited not sure what he was going to do. few minutes passed and sunghoon walked out, fixing the stack of papers in his hands.

jake didn't care for that, taking his arm and dragging him to the team's locker room since it was the closest.

jake closed the door, accidentally pushing sunghoon against the wall.

"jake are you-"

sunghoon's words were muffled by jake's lips on his. he kissed him back stealing the opportunity to savour jake like this.

pulling apart, jake looked up at sunghoon, "i like you too"

sunghoon smiled, dropping the papers he held in his hands, to cup jake's cheeks bringing them closer in a proper yet sweet kiss.

what these two didn't know was that heeseung always came before practice, witnessing everything unfold before his eyes.

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