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ethan ♡

you threw my things out?
read yesterday

"jake, come on! think fast!" yeonjun threw the ball in jake's direction, hitting him in the head then rolling on the floor.

yeonjun jogged his way over to jake who mindlessly reloaded the message app on his phone.

"you've been doing that for hours. let it go" yeonjun patted his back trying to comfort his old friend.

but jake couldn't care to listen to yeonjun. racking his brains were thoughts of heeseung moving on and forgetting him completely.

he may have treated the older in ways he didn't deserve but jake was willing to change that and give everything to heeseung even if it doesn't make him happy.

"you thìnk he's moved on?" jake looked up to his friend, the read message coming into view.

yeonjun sighed, glancing at the phone then back to jake, "didn't you say tomorrow was his birthday?" jake sulked and nodded. if only jake was back there he would treat heeseung to his favorite ramyeon place and spend the entire day just for him.

"he's busy planning. don't think too much? you're getting those nasty eyebags"

jake laughed light heartedly shuttibg his phone off and joining yeonjun on the feild.


"jake how may fucking times did i tell you to leave this door open" mrs. sim kicked the door, banging on it for five minutes now.


the door opened revealing a tired looking jake. hoodie covering his face accompanied by a pair of sweatpants.

"look at you! i told you that boy will never give you nothing in life. serves him right what ghis father does to him"

jake shoulders slumped even more thsn it looked. a heavy weight on him thinking of how much torture heeseung went through for him and all not it was in vein.

run away with me, jaeyun.

jake blinked away the words, the urge to book a flight back to korea and be in heeseung embrace right now was suffocating him.

"why you hate me so much?" jake's sleepy eyes looked into his mother's sinister yet dull ones.


expected but still hurt alot. not in comparison to the way his heart ached but it hurt.

"i am your mother jaeyun! i know what's best for you. five years from now when you're married to a beautiful woman and living your best life you woukd than-"

her words werre cut short by a snicker from her child's mouth, "best life? with a woman i'll only know for a year when i know ethan for all of my life"

mrs. sim hates the mention of the other's name. it infuriated her, reminding her how fucked up her son was. how he wasn't the perfect boy she tried so hard to mold him into.

it makes her feel weak and troublesome. so when he raised her hand to slap her only son again she couldn't do it.

oh not because she didn't want to but because of yeonjun who showed up unannouced singing jake's name.

mrs. sim scoffed leavibg yeonjun with jake.

"ready to play? or you're gonna mourn him on his birthday today?" yeonjun asked, throwing around the basketball from one hand to the next.

jake looked at the ball for a second and swallowed thickly.

he walked inside with yeonjun following him.

"did you wish him a happy birthday yet?"

"why? to be left on read again?"

"look on the bright side. he didn't blocked you when you messaged. he could've done that if he didn't want to hear from you anymore.

sighing jake gave into yeonjun's words, a little hope blooming in his chest.

pulling out his phone he opened heeseung's cht, frowning on the message that was still left on read.

ethan ♡

happy birthday heeseung hyung 🥳

hope your day is amazing as you are.

thank the little boy who played with me that day because he just turned 22!
i'll miss him for the rest of my days :(
delivered just now.

"see! that wasn't so hard" yeonjun patted him on his back. something he does to reassure his friend.

ethan♡ is typing...

jake eyes lit up from the notification then suddenly it disappeared.

two minutes went by and the notification died.

later that evening jake was all sweaty after beating yeonjun twice.

running over to get some water he saw his phonr vibrate.

new message from ethan ♡

call jake the flash right now because that was the fastest he ever dropped anything to open a message.


baby i miss you.

why didn't you runaway with me?

i miss you everyday.

i try so hard to act like i don't care anymore but it's eating me alive jaeyun.

i need you.


a/n: lazy chapter but i missed you guys sm. im super busy i forgot what time is but hope you enjoy this little chapter (ignore typos, grammar errors etc)

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