Late Night Thunderstorms(Pitch Black[Rise of the Guardians] X Reader)

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Here's the bogeyman.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

My small desk lamp illuminated my work. My pen brushed against the paper of my notebook to create the words of the story I was writing. I was using the rain for ambiance. 

The rain poured down on Burgess. The clouds made the night sky pitch black.

The rain would definitely have left its mark by morning.

The precipitation hit hard against the roof and the windows of the house. The thunder and lightning hadn't made their debut yet.

I wasn't scared of thunder. I just always got tense from violent or loud noises like angry yelling and such.

I checked the time on my phone while it charged. It read 11:07 PM with the battery at ninety-eight percent. I would have been asleep two hours ago, had I not made the mistake of having McDonald's sweet tea with dinner earlier. I was the only one awake in the Bennett house.

I continued writing. The sound of the rain helped me concentrate. 

The sudden blackness that took over pulled me from my thoughts. I sighed.

The power had gone out.

I unplugged my fully charged phone from the powerless charger. I closed my notebook and got up from my desk. Before I turned on the flashlight on my phone, I saw two golden orbs that contrasted the shadows that surrounded them. 

I would've been scared to death if I weren't Pitch's girlfriend.

"Hey, Pitch," you said to alert him.

The Bogeyman came out of the shadows. His eyes were glowing in the darkness of the powerless house. "Such a shame you had that tea with your dinner," he mocked.

"Shush. I didn't think it had caffeine in it," I countered.

"What did you expect? It's sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. It's terrible for you," he said.

"I know, Dad," I replied sarcastically. "Let's go outside on the porch. No point staying in here with no power."

Pitch followed me down the stairs and out of the house onto the porch. The rain was louder now that we were outside. I sat on the top step. Pitch sat behind me. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close.

"How was your day besides not being able to sleep?" he asked in my ear over the rain.

I leaned against him so my lips were by his ear. "It was fine-"

I got cut off by a ground-shaking crack of thunder. My body became instantly tense. I felt Pitch grow a bit in size.

He softly shushed me into my ear. "Relax, little nightmare. The thunder can't hurt you."

"I know," I sighed.

Pitch rested his head on my right shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my temple. I blushed softly at the gesture.

"Do you want to try to sleep?" he questioned. 

"No," I answered. "Well, I do, but you just got here."

"How about we stay out here until a, you fall asleep, or b, the rain stops?" he suggested. 

"A since it's supposed to rain all night," I said.

"Whatever you want, my precious little nightmare," he cooed.


I find this one a bit cringy since I did write this one a good three or so years ago, but it's not cringy enough for me to not post it. And it's the most recent Pitch one I've written.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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