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A/N: Welcome back! Attendance time! 

"You danced with who?!" Florence's jaw has been on the floor ever since I started telling her about last night.

She called me at the ass-crack of dawn, wanting all the details. One could mistake her eagerness for a crazed fan. Which, given who she is, isn't too far off.

"You asked that five times–" "Because I have yet to mentally process such atrocious information! Selena effing Gomez? Alex effing Russo? That's absolute poo!"

I can't help the laughter that erupts from within me, coming straight from my chest, powered by my lungs, sending rumbles throughout my body while I flip over the bread on the pan, making sure that the other side of the egg gets to cook.

"What on this bloody earth are you making?" Florence squints at the camera, trying to see my stove. Chuckling, I pick the phone up and angle it down towards the pan.

"Egg in a hole!"

The dirty blonde frowns and looks at me then back to the food, "America has changed you."

"Oh, bugger off."

"Ha haaaaa. What else happened? What other uber famous people did you meet just to rub in my face?"

A smirk crosses over my lips with a small shrug as I slide the egg in a hole onto a dish and bring it over to the island to eat with my emotional support water bottle filled to the brim and a bottle of Advil beside it for the hangover.

May 2, 2016

10:41 pm

"I'm Wren."

Taylor snickers and nods, "I know. I love your movies. Though when I watched The Forest I couldn't sleep for three weeks straight without the lights on."

"Another Old Fashioned," The bartender returns with a second lowball glass that I click my tongue at and slide it towards Taylor.

"Fresher since the other one has been stewing for the past five minutes during this exchange."

The blonde grins up at me and takes it, both of us lifting the glasses to clink and take–decently large–sips. She places the glass down and taps her ring against it. I notice that her eyes trace where the ring hits, dragging it around as if attempting to draw into the condensation-coated glass with the silver jewellery.

"Thank you," She says, her voice softer now. I can feel those rivers of thoughts looking up at me as I swirl the large ice cube around my glass, pulling the cherry skewer out from the drink and eating them right off, nearly moaning at the sweet taste laced with rye whiskey and bitters, but containing myself for the sake of possible embarrassment in front of arguably the biggest name in music.

"Don't mention it."

We sip on our drinks for a bit until Tom Hiddleston makes his way over, hair slightly wet from sweat, eyes wild and clearly drunk. He holds his hand out towards Taylor with a lazy yet charming grin on.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies. Nice to see you again, Wrenley. But Taylor, may I have this dance?"

Taylor raises her eyebrows, a surprised smile on her face but I know that this is not something to be surprised about when it comes to Tom Hiddleston. We shared a few theatre and film acting classes back at RADA, otherwise known as the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts back home in London, so I have come to know the man well and he loves grand gestures.

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