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A/N: HEYOOO it's 4:24 am... I sleep now. But enjoy! :)

Taylor POV

"Yeah, I think that's a great idea. Wren and I will be in London by the end of this month anyway so shooting then would line up perfectly."

Zayn's voice echoes through the phone, telling me I'm on speakerphone, clanking of dishes and utensils in the background.

"Good! I'm looking forward to it, it's going to be fun."

I smile, biting down on the nail of my thumb with a ghosting smile peeking onto my face, nodding despite knowing he can't see me, my mind already imagining what the video will be like. We recorded a song for Fifty Shades Darker back in September together, Jack, Sam Dew, and I had written it together and I drew from both the book and what the producers had told me about plans for the film, as well as my own experience with Wren. It was during the time things were a bit off, my worries about Lily and the media, my fears running amuck.

Now we get to film the music video and given what the song is for, it will certainly be a scandalous one, one that I am sure Wren will definitely love. I've yet to tell her anything about it or let her hear snippets of the song. All she knows is that Zayn and I recorded and we're filming a video for it soon.

The call wraps up from my end once I see Wren coming out of wardrobe and my god does she look fucking sexy.

Even in just a simple black thin-strapped bra and black women's boxers she manages to look like the sexiest being on the fucking planet. The second we make eye contact she flashes that lopsided grin of hers that trespasses any self control barriers I have. I lick my lips and pull my phone out, taking a picture of her with a devious smirk playing amongst my features.

"Having fun?" She questions and I hum in confirmation, my eyes drinking in all seventy three inches of her tall body.

She's gotten more tan than usual since we got to LA the other day and the makeup team made sure to accentuate her abs for the video, literally spraying something on them to make them glisten when light hits them at just the right angle.

And I am definitely not complaining.

"Oh definitely," I breathe and without giving my hand permission, it reaches itself out to touch her abs, a subtle gasp coming out as if it's the first time I've ever touched her before.

They've covered up a lot of the scars on her front and back due to Wren's request, but she still looks delicious as ever.

My girlfriend releases a low chuckle, her brown waves cascading over her forehead, dangling in front of her cerulean eyes, but I can't tear my eyes away from those abs, the way they look so damn...

Wren she cups my chin, tilting my head up in her direction, that heart tugging smirk teasing me endlessly.

"My eyes are up here, darling."

A few beats are skipped, maybe more than a few, possibly enough to stop my heart completely, but for the sake of the entire filming crew, Selena's team, and Christi around us, I swallow my pride and fold one leg over the other in my chair, clearing my throat to try and gain some handle over myself.

Hard to when what I now know to be a clear reincarnation of a Greek goddess is staring down at me like that. Fit like a daydream.

Selena walks in soon after in her bra and tight bottoms, matching Wren's black clothing and the same outfit she wore the past few days of shooting.

We've gone through a bunch of different takes for different scenes but I know that Alek, the director, wanted to do a few re-shoots and try out some different things.

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