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A/N: HEYOOOO You know what to do :)

Taylor POV

The sudden stop of steady breathing in exchange for fearful whimpers yanks me from my sleep. I blink open my eyelids groggily, spotting the clock on my nightstand that reads 3:13 am. My girlfriend whose arms are wrapped tightly around me like vines up a chimney begins to jerk and tremble slightly.

I can't see her face, but I can feel the agony swooping into her mind as she continues to whimper and now mumble behind me.

"Wren," I whisper out, carefully turning in her arms to get a look at her face.

Her eyebrows are pulled close together, wrinkles forming on her forehead as her eyes race side to side under her eyelids.

"Baby," I speak softly, knowing that she's most likely having a nightmare, not wanting to scare her awake, but growing more concerned by the second the more audible her mumbles get.

"Mum...please stop," She groans, voice small and feeble.

Frowning, I use my fingers to delicately run through her pixie cut-length hair, unsure of which route to take. I've never seen her have a nightmare before, let alone anyone aside from myself.

"It's just a dream, Wrenny, you're okay," I soothe, trying to calm her shaking as her bottom lip quivers, hands shivering the longer her nightmare continues.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Mum, please. It it hurts," her volume starts to pick up and my heart aches from the pain lacing her voice, the stark traumatic memory she's reliving in her dreams stabbing through me like a sword.

Placing a hand to her chest, trying anything to relax her breathing, but it doesn't do much, she just stirs more, turning over and over, beginning to sound like she's struggling to breathe. Panic rises in me.

I prop myself up further, debating whether or not I should wake her, but as soon as she starts to cry out, her nightmare-induced screams completely ear-splitting and soul shattering, I don't waste another second.

My hand lands on her shoulder as calmly as I can, and I shake her a bit, "Wrenny, wake up."

"I didn't mean to! I promise...I'll clean! Dad, please stop!" Wren's hands start to move, as if she's frantically trying to keep her composure in her own sleep, but fails to do so. Her feet start kicking, hitting into my legs with surprising strength.

"Okay, okay, it's time to wake up, my love, please. Come on, Wrenley," I plead now, sweat forming on my forehead when she begins to choke, her breathing nearly stopping completely.

What the fuck did her parents do to her growing up?

The terror of her current state launches me upright, not dwelling on the theories of her childhood and instead scrambling to pull her out of her agony. I shake her harder, my voice wobbling as I plead now.

"Wrenny, baby, wake up!"

Wren's frame shoots up in bed, gasping loudly, attempting to shove me off as she cries out, "No! No! Let me go!"

"Wren, it's me! It's me, you're okay, it's just me," My chest aches with how fast my heart is beating.

Her eyes are wide, paralyzed into a seemingly hypnotic state, ghosts and demons clawing behind her clouded gaze. Wren continues to try and push me away but I catch a wrist with one hand, gripping onto it so that I can pull myself closer.

Once I am in, I use my hands to cup her cheeks, forcing her to look at me, my mouth dry as a desert, breathing becoming a challenge for me as I witness her like this.

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