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A/N: You know what to do :) Enjoy an all Taylor's POV chapter <3

Taylor POV

The things I would give up just to not have to wake up this morning. I already know my eyes are going to be red and puffy from the tears I shed last night, from the absolute, utter horror I watched last night.

He put me in bed next to him, like it was some sort of sick and twisted perverted fantasy. Even on the phone call, I thought the lyric was weird, about us having sex, but men get away with that stuff. And to know that there was more to the lyrics? That he calls me "that bitch" and claims to have told me about it?

No, no he fucking didn't.

But who would take my word over his? Clearly not many people.

The sun peeking in through my bedroom curtains nearly makes me vomit. The day shouldn't have come again.

But the warm arms wrapped around me, the steady breathing and heartbeat I can both hear and feel, my cheek pressed against her chest, ear muffled by her shirt, legs entwined together like vines curling up an old historical building, adding to the stark beauty.

While everyone sees through me right now, throwing their daggers, shooting their bullets, being here, laying like this with the woman who refused to let me deal with last night alone, the woman who likes to dance in socks in my kitchen with me, the woman who pulls my chair out every single time we go somewhere, the woman who constantly reassures me and reminds me of my truth, somehow makes everything feel almost okay.

Everyone else could leave and while it'd hurt, sure, it'd be okay as long as I still have Wren.

She could stay.

I don't want to move, I don't want to wake her and have to deal with the world. I want to stay here, in this bed, with her, and never leave.

But the 'meows' on the floor in front of the bed interrupt the fantasy. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing for them to be quiet, but the sleeping beauty holding me in our bubble of safety stirs, sighing out her sleep as she moves.

I feel her head moving above, craning her neck down to look at me, probably only seeing the back of my head from her angle.

Her hand moves, my body loses all of its oxygen once her fingers thread themselves through my hair with gentle care. My heart races when she does it, her hand moving with grace, ever so slowly, as if she's taking it all in the way I just was.

Blinking away more sleep, I hug her more, and Wren sighs out, her smiley sigh I've come to understand just by the tone, volume, and length of it.

"Good morning, love."

I almost stiffen completely. The whole world seems to stop for a moment when I process the complete and heart racing rasp of her voice. There's always a little rasp when she talks but her morning voice? Holy fucking god.

Hearing it in person is something else.

And now that I've heard it, I don't think I can ever go another morning without it.

Stretching out a bit, I slide back so that our heads are level on the pillows, our eyes meeting as I smile tiredly,

"Good morning."

God she looks so beautiful in the morning.

"You look so beautiful in the morning," She mutters, reaching towards me and brushing strands of hair in my face back, tucking them behind my ear so that she can rest her warm palm on the skin of my cheek.

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