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A/N: You know what to do :) 

Wren POV

Both of our heads are down, I can see Taylor picking up her pace anxiously as we trudge through the crowd of screaming on-goers and watchers. We're under a microscope, people asking about Taylor's situation, still believing she's buying my friendship, people thinking she keeps being seen with me because I have a clean reputation and believing she's using me to make herself look better.

I just keep my eyes on the back of her heels, walking in tune with her from behind, walking right to her, each step almost syncing together.

As we approach the doors to the brunch spot, Toby opens the doors before I can, but I focus on the blonde ahead of me, turning her head over her shoulder, our eyes locking in a spur of chaotically spindled nerves.

I nod reassuringly and her frightened blue gaze flickers down to my hand briefly, sending the hint of what she needs. Reaching forward, meeting her hand halfway, she grasps onto my fingers tightly, tugging me closer as if the less distance there is between us the safer she feels, all while paparazzi scream for our attention.

Some of the kinder paps compliment how "sweet" our friendship is, that they appreciate me being there for Taylor, but the rude ones nearly drown them out completely. Tsunami waves crash over us with shouts asking about "Calvin Harris" aka Adam's tweets about Taylor dumping him, Kim, Kanye, if her friendship with Kendall Jenner is done, if Tom dumped her because he saw "the truth", and tons of other bullshit questions and disrespectful comments.

When Gigi, Emma, and Selena spot us, they wave us over and I take the lead, leading Taylor down, smiling gratefully at the workers helping close the door and yelling at the crowds to disperse before authorities are called.

Toby nods at me when I signal we're good from here, and he makes his way back to the car.

"We totally should've thought about a more lowkey spot, guys. We're so sorry," Gigi smiles guiltily as she stands up, hugging the both of us.

I take Emma into my arms, kissing her cheek in greeting, her rubbing my back with a sympathetic smile until Selena kisses my cheek and hugs me.

"It's alright, nothing we aren't used to lately," Taylor breathes out, a very obvious hint of frustration in her voice as we approach our seats at the back table.

I step around Taylor and pull the chair out for her, getting all fuzzy when she gives me that sweet smile of hers, giving my forearm a light, appreciative squeeze.

Feeling three pairs of eyes on me with stupid little grins on their faces, I flush and clear my throat, sitting beside Taylor and shaking my head.

"You two are so cute," Selena gushes and I snort, shaking my head again, sipping my water as I browse the dinner options.

"Why can't I find someone who holds doors for me and pulls my chair out for me? This seems highly unfair," Selena continues on and I raise my eyes to her amusedly, Taylor joining in on the parallel glance.

Emma and Gigi smirk and sip their wine they have already ordered, "Zayn does that."

"So does Andrew."

Taylor glances over to me with a raised eyebrow, her cutesy little nose scrunch showing itself, "I love when Wrenley does that. Such a gentlewoman."

Now, the brunette singer groans and throws her arms up dramatically, slumping back into her seat, "I gotta find a Brit, then, goddamn. What, is it in your British blood or something?"

All four women look at me curiously, my cheeks crimsoning at the gathered attention, swallowing with an unknowing shrug, "I haven't the slightest clue."

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