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A/N: AYOO!!! You know what to do :)

Taylor POV

Everything's so loud right now. I can hear every chamber of my heart pumping blood throughout my body, I can hear every breath I take loudly, echoing in my head as I ride the high of the night.

My body is sticky from the amount of sweat I have on me, spackled onto my skin like glue to paper. I walk backstage and look around quickly, searching for the only person that matters right now.

Once I spot a mess of short and sexy brunette hair, I break into a wide grin and start sprinting down the hallway, ignoring the crew members walking on by and the little snickers from my team behind me.

"Wrenny!" I shout, heart beating loudly in my ears as her gaze perks up, spotting me immediately.

She grins widely, opening her arms as I approach, catching me in a tight embrace and groaning happily into me, spinning me and placing me back down, "You did amazing, Taylor. I am so proud of you."

God what her praise does for me...in different ways depending on the situation, of course.

This particular situation, it brings my heart to fluttery little backflips in my chest, the kid in me who only wanted people to cheer for her jumping for joy.

"You really liked it?"

"Doll, I loved it. You absolutely smashed it," She says the pet name quieter, then I spot my parents, giving Wren's hand a squeeze and running over to them and Tree.

We meet with everyone to thank them again for the hard work, I bid farewell, get dressed and say my goodbyes to Mom and Dad since they're both flying home tomorrow while Wren and I are going with Tree now.

And I plan on sleeping for the entirety of the trip.

The attendants bring us food and like a child, Wren asks for chicken fingers, and we eat until takeoff, me, Wren, and Tree desperately clinging to the food, hoping it doesn't fly off our tables.

I watch with pure humor as Wren struggles to maintain her food, her arms stretched over her plate while trying to keep her beer steady. Taking my phone out, I record a video on SnapChat and laugh even harder when I realize I started filming at the perfect time.

"NOT MY CHICKEN TENDIES GOD DAMMIT!" Wren cries as one comes loose, flying onto the floor.

I stare at it, pointing the camera at it as my dolphin-like laugh erupts from my chest, moving it back to her where she pouts as we finally level out, then reaches down and picks it up.

"You're disgusting," I snort but she just shrugs and takes a bite out of it proudly, washing it down with her beer, sneering at the camera and scoffing, raising a hand dramatically, blocking the camera from her.

"No paparazzi."

Laughing even harder, I stop recording and throw a quick caption on it.

For those who wonder what it's like hanging out with Wren...this is what it's like. It's babysitting at its finest. @wrengrant

I truly feel like I'm out cloud nine right now, and it only gets better when I see Twitter, all of my fans posting videos and pictures, sending me all this love. I know I shouldn't base my happiness on people applauding me, but the real fans, the ones I may or may not stalk online from time to time, I love making them happy.

All of their comments and reactions are adorable, but then I spot other videos and pictures that cause my heart to race even more.

"Wren," I say as I make my way around the table, sliding in right beside her, showing her the posts.

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